All hail the Jesus Cat!

Sadly, I haven't seen any good pareidolia stories lately, you know, stories in which someone, usually Jesus, Mary, or the Pope (or sometimes Elvis, who, let's face it, is basically the same thing as Jesus, Mary, or the Pope), shows up as a seeming image on some sort of object or other. It can be a piece of sheet metal, a tree, under an expressway underpass, and even on a dog on his--well, best not to say.

Cats, of course, felt left out in this pareidolia arms race. Consequently, one cat decided it was time to take action, as CNN reports. That's right! It's the Jesus Cat (not to be confused with The Jesus Lizard, a cool punk rock band from way back).

All hail the Jesus Cat!

You know, to me it looks more like the Face on Mars. Maybe it's a Martian cat.

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It's good to know the world is in such fine shape that news programs have time to devote to this kind of story.

By Pierce R. Butler (not verified) on 30 Jul 2008 #permalink

Who is dumber, the family or the reporters? This is ridiculous! Although the cats are kind of cute...

All hail the Jesus Cat!

All hail? Weeelll, Okaayyy...

"Hey, Godzilla, come here a moment, please! I need you."

Points at cat.



Crickets chirp.

The End.

I dunno. If that's Jesus, he's had some major work done since his last photo op on the cheese sandwich. Or was it the rusty sink...

And appearing on a cat? I think Jesus needs to get a better agent.

Looks like the face on Mars to me too. Maybe it's proof all those cartoons were really trying to tell us the truth that Marving the Martian is really out to take over the Earth.

You know, legend has it that tabby cats were given the distinctive M on their foreheads as a mark from Mohammed, so maybe that fur portrait isn't the prophet we think it is....?

I see the devil's dark face in the black fur of Jesus Cat's little friend. They should name him Lucifer.

By Christophe Thill (not verified) on 31 Jul 2008 #permalink

I'm sorry, I could NOT see the face of Jesus in the fur, no matter how hard I tried. Cute kitty, though.

Interesting how some of the family members couldn't see the face until the son took a blurry picture of the so called image. Then it just popped out. After that, they were fighting to call the news channels. Fantastic.

You need a blurry image to see the face on Mars as well.

I hope for the sake of the poor kitty that no one decides to preserve this miracle. The phrase "more than one way to skin a cat" comes to mind.

Kitty on the news one week, on Ebay the next...poor kitty.

By Richard Eis (not verified) on 31 Jul 2008 #permalink

how fitting it looked like jesus in the shroud since that turned out to be a fake as well.

Have you been to Goshen? I have (once, that was plenty) and this does not surprise me one bit.

That's not jesus, it's Wolverine! it IS a sign!!

Orac, you're a fan of The Jesus Lizard? I'm kind of surprised.

It looks like a patch of fuzz to me...

Oh is a patch of fuzz.

And yes, the Jesus Lizard is a great band. So is the Jesus and Mary Chain

By Craig Willoughby (not verified) on 31 Jul 2008 #permalink

"Kitty on the news one week, on Ebay the next...poor kitty."

You can't sell live animals on Ebay but maybe a pelt. There's more than one way to....uh....I wonder what they'll charge for the fee line.

By notmercury (not verified) on 31 Jul 2008 #permalink

Well, there's hope for kitty yet. The dog with Jesus in its butt fir didn't lose his fur to eBay, at least not yet: Personally, I think that's a truer image of the late great JC than the kitty fur.

Hey, there was a story recently about a woman who found Jesus in a cheetoh. She calls her, I'm not making this up...."Cheesus".

Reminds me of the time Jesus healed the leopards.

Doesn't that woman know Cheetohs never prosper.

By notmercury (not verified) on 31 Jul 2008 #permalink

I for one welcome our christ-bearing kitty loverlord.

JeezuzCat: I'M In uR Blog, Lookin like BEERDEDGuy LulZ

Sorry... I couldn't help it. Err um, the Devil made me do it!

The dog butt jesus was a photoshop job. A great one but fake nonetheless.

From the link BA posted:

Kelly doesn't plan to sell the Cheeto and will keep it in a safe deposit box.

Cheesus is going to get very, very stale that way. I wonder if he will resurrect out of the box and open the vault doors in protest? (leaving angels behind to explain what happened to those who come looking for him, naturally)

The dog butt one was real originally, I think. Its later "incarnations" on the web have been...ahem...enhanced to play up the Jesus-like details.

It only looks like some of Jesus' younger pictures, before he started trimming his beard and using conditioner. Who I really think this is, is Jesus' stunt double Marius. A lot of people say you can't tell them apart from most angles. The reason I think it's him is the kitten's forehead. See the big "M" there?

P.S. how do people even think they know what Jesus looked like?