My alma mater fights back against misinformation about embryonic stem cell research

Hot on the heals of my post earlier today about the flurry of misinformation-laden ads being aired in Michigan to try to prevent Proposition 2, the proposed amendment to the Michigan State Constitution that would allow embryonic stem cell research using embryos that would be discarded from fertility clinics, I've learned that my alma mater, the University of Michigan, where I did both my undergraduate and medical school training, has released a series of videos countering the dishonest propaganda of groups like MiCAUSE:

The truth about stem cell science

And there's more:

Where Do Embryonic Stem Cells Come From?
Embryonic Stem Cell Research in Michigan: What is at Stake"?
Embryonic Stem Cell Research: The Facts About the Science
Embryonic Stem Cell Research: Ethics and Morality

Watch them all.


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The recent advances in dedifferentiation also have the potential to trump the religious objection to stem cell research.

Good for them. Now they need to tackle an even more catastrophic and confusing spectacle before the residents of Michigan: Wolverine football (Hail to the ..something something, the...ummm, yikes).

Painful to watch? Not for NYers. We have been immunized against the pain by the Jets, Mets, Knicks, et al.

These vids are made of AWSUM. Thanks!

By Mad Hussein LO… (not verified) on 30 Oct 2008 #permalink