Monday afternoon mandatory reading

Three goodies on skepticism and science:

  1. Skeptical Battlegrounds: Part III - Alternative Medicine. Suffice it to say, Steve agrees with me. He just lays it all out in one post instead of ten.
  2. Once again, Egnor and Tautologies. Blogchild Mark Chu-Carroll takes on our favorite creationist neurosurgeon, Dr. Egnor. This time he deals directly with something I've touched upon recently: Egnor's false labeling of the theory of evolution as a tautology.
  3. Alternative Medicine's Rapid Spread? Nonsense. Oddly enough, Avery Camarow, whose articles I've taken issue with before for credulity towards the claims of "alternative medicine," gets it right this time. Heck, he even agrees with my assessment.

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Apparently, Michael Egnor just can't get enough of making himself look like an idiot. His latest screed is an attack on me, for criticizing his dismissal of evolution as a tautology. My observation that "Natural Selection" is a tautology, and therefore useless to modern medicine, seems to have…
So the Discovery Institute's most recent addition has chosen to reply to my post about tautologies. (Once again, I'm not linking to him; I will not willingly be a source of hits for the DI website when they're promoting dangerous ingorance like this.) Typically, he manages to totally miss the…
It's Christmas Eve. I know, I know, it's all supposed to be Peace On Earth, Good Will Towards Men (and Women), and all that jazz. Really, that's exactly what I had intended for today and tomorrow. Indeed, my plan was to do nothing more than a quickie post today and a maybe a couple of brief (and…
Last week, I gave everybody's favorite creationist neurosurgeon, Dr. Michael Egnor, the gift everyone loves to read but not to receive: the gift of not-so-Respectful Insolence. Christmas or no Christmas, he did ask for it, and far be it from me, given my benevolent nature, not to respond to his…

Sorry for the small derail, but as far as I can see, you haven't posted about today's good news.

Remember being worried about this? I hope you read this and this today, and breathed a huge sigh of relief.

Sorry for the small derail, but this is good news.

Remember being worried about this? I hope you read this and this today, and breathed a huge sigh of relief.

The news that R.F.K. Jr. will not be heading up the EPA is welcome (hopefully he will not be named to any post in the incoming administration).

As to whether Obama will hold to his pledge to support true science, time will tell. I'll be truly impressed when he stands up for the science in the face of potentially negative political implications.

By Dangerous Bacon (not verified) on 15 Dec 2008 #permalink