Something to be encouraged and nurtured

Regular readers here know that one of the themes of this blog is both a lament over the infiltration of quackademic medicine and a call to arms to fight it with science- and evidence-based medicine. However, to achieve this end, it won't be enough for middle-aged farts like myself to take up the banner. We need to influence the next generation of doctors. In order to provide our patients with the best care, we need to inculcate the knowledge of science and how to apply it to medical questions into the next generation. In short, we need to win over residents and medical students.

Medical students like this one.

Understandably, this happily science-based medical student does not post that often. (Medical school's like that.) But when he does post, he makes it count.

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Nice find Orac! I especially enjoyed his first commenter.

Interestingly, studies have shown that less people die when doctors go on strike. Also, doctors don't tend to be very healthy themselves either.

Has that guy ever commented on your blog?

Yes, s/he writes well. I could not post a comment there without some kind of OnLine ID. I hope he looks here to see he is well-received.

How can you win over folks with EBM? Woo is so much friendlier. It has simple words. The woomisters have such kind faces. Hard to beat woo with logic.

Au contraire, pinky! Logic is SHINY and makes one feel all WARM and TINGLY when analyzing arguments! It's like a big, cozy, fluffy blanket, wrapped around your own personal Chandra X-Ray Observatory! It's your personal playmate and protector all rolled into one, like Carl the babysitting Rottweiler! Logic helps us DANCE through the universe without stepping in any poo! Logic banishes demons and things that go bump in the night! When we cry out in the darkness, Logic is like Mom with a flashlight!!! What could be friendlier? :) Who could look at this face and think "not friendly"???

(Have some more coffee, Perky)

One day, while browsing my list of medblogs, I was absolutely stunned to find a female in the evidence-based medical profession touting the benefits of Noni juice!

Good grief. People get so sideswiped by pseudoscience and marketing pitches about "antioxidants" and "superfoods" that they lose perspective about all the everyday foods that cost much less and are just as nutritious. If you feel like drinking noni juice, eat a raw orange or a handful of blueberries instead. Heck, eat a raw noni fruit. All of the fiber and most of the macronutrients are lost when juicing fruits and vegetables.

(Sadly, I can no longer remember the blog as I deleted it from my reading list immediately...)

I'm glad to see at least one medical student that is steering clear of the woo. Bravo!

Logic in arguments is overrated! I can tell my wife all I want how at this moment 6 billion humans are alive who all have successfully gone through the teething phase - she still makes me get up and check and the little screamer.