I can't argue with that:
I'd mention that the same thing applies to nerd boys. I know, given that I used to be one and now, thirty years on, remain arguably a nerd man.
(Via Stupid Evil Bastard)
(Yeah, I know I basically took the weekend off, posting only a couple of videos. Don't worry, the usual insolence will return tomorrow. I was just a bit tired after all the brouhaha we had here last week with certain antivaccinationists.)
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Plastic bags inserted under the breasts ?
Hey, if they're filled with sterile saline and you puncture one while inserting a central line . . .
Yeah, I know nerd girls are an underutilized resource! That's why I'm trying to utilize them!
I haven't seemed to have had any success so far, though.
I am a nerd girl who is now with a nerd guy. Nerd girls tend to be shy and think things through too much, especially dating. When I was first asked out by my nerd guy, I thought "He's older than me. He wants to get married. I don't want to get married. I'm going to say no."
"He's a great guy. He's my best friend. If I date him and we break up, he probably won't even talk to me anymore. I'm going to say no."
"If I date him, then I won't be independent anymore. If I want to go back to school and move across country, I'll have to leave him behind or ask him about it, etc."
And, of course,
"But if we date, we're probably going to break up, because no one stays with their first boyfriend--all my girlfriends go through them like shoes. Then, the whole thing would be a waste of time. I don't want to waste his time or mine."
My boyfriend was persistent. He got in the friend-zone and stayed there despite my waffling, and he showed me that we could still be friends even if we weren't dating. He played WoW with me, flirting in an environment where I wouldn't feel I was hurting his feelings if I got embarrassed.
I was eventually convinced that I could put aside all of my trepidations about the far future.
We've been dating for two and a half years.
And I understand if he comes over to my house and parks himself in front of the xbox and plays guitar hero all night.
From personal experience, I've found that there are just as many asshole, misogynistic nerd boys as there regular guys. The only difference is that nerd guys and I share more interests.
The nerd boys to avoid are the ones that say "but i'm the NICE guy!" Same with the girls. Run, run far far away!
He forgot geek boys.
Mmm, geek boys. You can free-bsd me any day of the week...
"How to make boys like you ..."
Jay Leno covered this: get into bed!
Orac, you just made my night and gave me hope in life.
e.d.: There's actually a difference? I always thought they were interchangeable.
lol ^_^ Maybe they are underutilized because there aren't a lot of them around? Or at least where I live at, there aren't a lot of em around.
Sadly the species is often hunted to extinction, and those that do survive tend to have evolved a chameleon like effect.
King of Ferrets:
Inasmuch as I don't think anyone can adequately distinguish the definitions of "nerd" and "geek", they are, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
Anyway, as a nerd/geek guy myself, I have to say that there's one very big problem with this guy's suggestion: the nerd/geek girls who don't need a video like this already realize that nerd/geek guys like me are pretty much washouts on the dating scene. They already know they can do better.
I think most nerd girls tend to prefer nerd guys- they're easier to talk to and their humour is better (less "I set someone's locker on fire, and then I ran into it head first- hahahaha!" and more humorous quotations and wit). The problem is finding the nerd guys, because they spend so much time indoors.
Google is serving ads at the bottom of the screen telling folk to avoid vaccines and learn about how they cause autism.
These women speak truth!
- Thirtysomething, misogynistic, nerdy asshole. Luckily too dumb to fool any women.