Delurk! My blog bud commands it! (Or at least requests it...)

Last week, I marked the occasion of my fifth anniversary in the blogosphere. Yesterday, my blog bud Abel Pharmboy marked his fourth anniversary in the blogosphere. Anyone who makes it past a year, as far as I'm concerned, has passed the test of time and shown himself (or herself) to be in this crazy thing for the long haul; people who have managed to pump out quality material for four years are exceedingly rare.

Like me, Abel has asked his readers to delurk. However, he has been disappointed by the results. Come on, people! Abel deserves more. If you're one of his readers and see this, do me a solid and head on over to Terra Sigillata to congratulate him!

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Please don't tell me you've given me another high quality blog site to add to my daily list.

I'm going to have to quit my job to have enough time to read them all.

Well, I might as well delurk here as well.

By RubberNecker (not verified) on 16 Dec 2009 #permalink

I've delurked, now I'll shut up and sit down.

By Anneliese (not verified) on 16 Dec 2009 #permalink

delurking to say congratulations. back to lurking now.

By Morningstar (not verified) on 16 Dec 2009 #permalink

kinda sorta delurking in 3..2..1..NOW!!!

You do realize, don't you, that you're supposed to delurk over at Abel's blog? I've already had my self-congratulatory delurk-fest. It's Abel's turn. :-)

For sometime now the comment preview function on Pharmboy's blog hasn't worked. I emailed him about this. I wonder if some commenters give up when they can't preview their comments.


*looks shiftily from side to side*


belated congratulations, Orac.

/back to lurking

By aussielurker (not verified) on 16 Dec 2009 #permalink

Lurking reactivated.

Hi :)

By Autistic Lurker (not verified) on 16 Dec 2009 #permalink

Needs more caustic soda...

Hey brother, thanks very much for sending delurkers over to my joint. An even greater magnitude of thanks to you for all of your support over the last four years; it's an honor to call you a friend and colleague.

And thank you, fellow Oracians, for putting us on your reading list. My posts aren't quite as long as Orac's, though. I need to eat and bathe from time to time.

i'm a huge, huge, lurker

I'm sort of delurking, I've only commented on here once before.

By Elihphile (not verified) on 17 Dec 2009 #permalink

Delurk? Are you crazy?! That would cost me my reputation as a lurker... because then I would have a reputation as being a lurker.

i guess I should delurk here as well, having just done so at Abel Pharmboy's place! And the delurking thread on your post from last week is too full... and so last week! :-)

Congratulations on your 5 years. I am a long-time reader of your insolence from since before ScienceBlogs existed, although I don't seem to have commented much going by your google search here (and trackbacks have never worked with Sb!). I count you as one of the influences that led to my own jump into blogging almost 3 years ago (yep, thanks for reminding me that my own anniversary is coming up at Reconciliation Ecology!). So thanks for that too!

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