Time's running out...

It's amazing how fast two weeks can slide by, but the 129th Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle is fast approaching and will be landing Thursday, January 28 at The SkeptVet Blog. Blog-specific instructions for submitting your best skeptical blogging can be found here, while general guidelines can be found here.

This is the first time we've had a skeptical veterinarian host; so let's try to get him some great material to help him do a bang-up job. And if you have some good woo related to veterinary or animals to send in, so much the better.

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The 129th Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle is up on SkeptVet Four Stone Hearth #85 is up on A Very Remote Period Indeed Grand Rounds Vol. 6 No. 18 are up on Emergiblog

Oh, I've got a cracking bit of pet-woo for SkeptVet, which I'll post over there but will briefly cover here.

Check out the shoo!TAG:

* Shoo!TAG represents a paradigm shift in the pest management industry.
* Shoo!TAG utilises Natureâs energetic principles in combination with physics, quantum physics and advanced computer software technology.
* The key to Shoo!TAG is the three dimensional electromagnetic field embedded in the magnetic strip.
* Shoo!TAG utilises the power of the bio-energetic field which surrounds all living things to create a frequency barrier which repels targeted pests for up to four months.
* Shoo!TAGâs magnetic strip is encoded with beneficial frequencies and resonances and an electromagnetic charge bearing a polarised energy signature, which when introduced into the bio-energetic field of the wearer produces results.
* Shoo!TAG also assists the body in altering its external bio energetic field so as to effectively repel targeted pests. This is possible because various insects and pests react to frequencies. These frequencies are introduced into the bio-energetic field of the wearer. These specific frequencies and resonance have proved to disturb pests and create a barrier.

If your woo-ometer isn't pegged, get a new one.

shoo!TAG is a plastic card with a magnetic stripe. If it will repel pests, so will any credit card.

Check out some of the veterinarian advice from Dr. Fox in the Washington Post. I quit reading it a while ago but occasionally a long Metro ride will bore me and I'll look at it. It can be mind boggling.

By Kathy Kirkland (not verified) on 25 Jan 2010 #permalink

These commercials have started running on television. I guess this concept isn't new but it's getting pitched to a wider audience now. The commercial is pretty professional and persuasive.

Blue Buffalo Pet Food
"All of our natural dog and cat foods contain our exclusive LifeSource® Bits, a precise blend of nutrients and antioxidants selected by holistic veterinarians and animal nutritionists. These include ingredients that have been shown to help strengthen your dogâs and catâs immune systems, support their specific life stage requirements and protect them from the negative impact of environmental toxins."

jen -- that reminds me of the gal at PetSmart who was hawking an organic kibble. She told me, quite earnestly, how bad it was to feed my dog Iams. It's made of *processed food* and stuff from *rendering plants*. You wouldn't want your dog to eat *that*, would you?

I smiled and nodded and then walked away. If I'd had more nerve, I would've asked where the organic kibble came from if it wasn't processed food and didn't involve rendering at any stage. Did it grow on kibble trees, perhaps?

By Calli Arcale (not verified) on 28 Jan 2010 #permalink

"Did it grow on kibble trees, perhaps?" Win.

What's a rendering plant?

The more these people try to market this high-fallutin stuff, the more my intellectual shorthand tells me that the cheapest, gnarliest food is the way to go.

As an aside, why did I see a show on PBS that featured a woman giving regular acupuncture treatments to her horse? Is there anybody out there who has the power to fix PBS, which was once our voice of reason? Hello? Is this thing on?