The 133rd Meeting of the Skeptics Circle...with verse!

Here's one we've been waiting for. It's that time again, time for another meeting of The Skeptics' Circle. This time around, the host is everyone's favorite purveyor of rhyming skepticism, Digital Cuttlefish, hosting the 133rd Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle.

Go, read, enjoy.

Next up to host on April 8 will be Divisible by Pi. The Digital Cuttlefish is a tough act to follow, but I bet Richard can do it.

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I was unsuccessful trying to comment at Digital Cuttlefish; don't know why. But, Cuttlefish, if you are reading this: A double dactyl! And properly done. Thank you. It's my favorite of the obscure rhyme forms.

By Jeff Chamberlain (not verified) on 27 Mar 2010 #permalink