
Now here's something that can be used to counter the idiocy of Mike Adams Don't Inject Me: ZDoggMD's Immunize:

Take that, Mike Adams!

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One of the most pernicious lies promoted by the antivaccine movement is a trope that I've labeled the "toxins gambit." Basically, it's the lie, oft repeated in hysterical terms, that there are all sorts of horrible toxic chemicals in vaccines, and it is those toxic substances that are responsible…
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Man, I hate anti-vaxers. If only this video would make a difference. It's so fcuking obvious, yet herd immunity is disappearing all over the developed world. Sad.

This is awesome and it needs to go viral in a big way. I'll do my part! I just blogged about whether there's a place for humor in breast cancer advocacy on kevinmd so I added a link to the video there too. This is one of the best uses of educational humor I've seen.

Thank you for posting this. Take that, Mike Adams indeed!

Someone should contact Chuck Norris, since he is mentioned humorously. Maybe he would even endorse it?

By Bob O`Bob (not verified) on 28 Feb 2011 #permalink

it needs to go viral in a big way

Virology humor! You win this round of the internets!

I love it! Very talented group and I've bookmarked it for repeat performances and to forwarding it to friends.

This is so great. Duly bookmarked.

There is another poorly written article about a pediatrician refusing to allow unvaccinated children in his practice. The article spawned comments of such burning stupid that I had little choice but vent here. I rarely comment but this comment pushed me over the top:

"I nearly died in 1955 from a bad case of measles. But I got them from a vaccine, right, no measles vaccine back then. These vaccines do severe harm to children, even adults, even if long delayed, but they do NOT prevent disease. Yes, I know about all the so called "science" that says that they do, but these are only the chants of folks who want to sound intelligent by echoing the party line. The medical industry runs on fraud, and the statistics that say that vaccines prevent disease and cause no harm is part of that fraud. Alan Foos, BA Botany, MS Soil Fertility, mcl, 2 chemistry minors, 3 years graduate level research, father of an austic child, A's in upper division and graduate chemistry, physiology, statistics..."

here's the link for the article:\

Wait... wanting this to Go Viral ?
an Immunization video ? Brilliant !


Please, feel free to vent! I have come here in the past to do the same after similar experiences.

I do have to wonder though, what is with this obsession the commenters listing completely unrelated credentials? The last time I checked, the coursework for a MS in 'soil fertility' didn't heavily focus on areas of Epidemiology.

It reminds me of that anti-vax article I read, authored by a woman who was basing her reasoning on her her doctorate degree... in geology.(not kidding).

I have a degree in Computer Science, but that doesn't mean I think I am capable of doing doctoral-level work in some other field. Especially a field that I haven't studied and dedicated a large part of my life to.

By ItPutsTheLotio… (not verified) on 28 Feb 2011 #permalink

I got chem credentials too. My ironic claim to fame is that my high-school research was published in a Check journal of Analytical Chemistry. The only thing that qualifies me to do is to realize that the first part of Mr. Foos' comment makes absolutely no sense.

Go viral? it's quite frankly not that funny. Most people have heard enough stories about vaccine reactions for this not to be convincing or amusing.


Most people have heard enough stories about vaccine reactions for this not to be convincing or amusing.

I liked the video a lot. Informative and funny at the same time.

Oh, crud, should have used the preview.


Most people have heard enough stories about vaccine reactions for this not to be convincing or amusing.

Oh, gee, vaccine reactions? I thought the depictions of rotavirus in the video to be pretty mild. I have lived through it. So, really, how are the vaccine reactions worse than the actual diseases? Got any real references?

Well Jen, the anti-vax groups have done an excellent job spreading lies, suppositions, and faulty research in an attempt to "prove" to people that vaccines are bad - and supposedly the diseases are so much better.

So yes, I would agree that lots of people have "heard" about vaccine reactions. During my youngest son's last wellness visit, he cried after being given his shots - I would agree that this is a "reaction" to the vaccines. His gaining immunity from diseases, is also a reaction to the vaccines.

I also am a huge fan of anyone that attempts to combat this spread of disinformation by anti-vax groups, with actual Science and evidence to support it - and if humor works, so be it.

If you know the tune they're singing, it makes the video more amusing, IMO. That's sort of the point really...taking a popular tune and turning it into another message so it catches peoples' attention when they realize the words are different. Weird Al made a living out of doing that.

Not that he was the first. Some of those stodgy old hymns sung in church started out as drinking songs (accounts vary as to who actually did it). And The Star-Spangled Banner is apparently based on a Welsh drinking song.

For another example, Google "Lady Gaga Zheng Lab". You should find Bad Project, a grad student's lament about being saddled with a bad thesis project, over 2 million hits and counting. Quite funny esp. if you are or were a grad student.

Incidentally, the only reason I know any of those popular tunes is because our gym plays them over, and over, and over, and over, and.... siighhhhh. Least I can laugh at parodies now.

By Daniel J. Andrews (not verified) on 01 Mar 2011 #permalink

Well lots of junk science there. Considering vaccinations are exempt from RCT placebo trials on ethical grounds this video is just a pile of anecdote. No I am wrong the longest ever RCT placebo trial with a proper follow up study was for the BCG in India. After 20 years was published in the Lancet that not only was there no evidence of protection against TB in the vaccined group, more people got TB so Germany banned it!

Oh and check out the current polio epidemic in Nigeria, it is officially recognised as being caused by the vaccine.

By smoky mirror (not verified) on 07 Mar 2011 #permalink

Well lots of junk science there. Considering vaccinations are exempt from RCT placebo trials on ethical grounds this video is just a pile of anecdote. No I am wrong the longest ever RCT placebo trial with a proper follow up study was for the BCG in India. After 20 years was published in the Lancet that not only was there no evidence of protection against TB in the vaccined group, more people got TB so Germany banned it!

Oh and check out the current polio epidemic in Nigeria, it is officially recognised as being caused by the vaccine.

By smoky mirror (not verified) on 07 Mar 2011 #permalink

So, new troll, how long was the BCG used in the USA? Why is it surprising that some vaccines do not work very well, and are not used much? Are the typhus and typhoid vaccines used routinely? (note I have had both of those vaccines)

There is a reason why there is research, and certain vaccines are abandoned and others are introduced.

Do you mind telling us how the MMR vaccine is ineffective and dangerous? Do something original, skip the insults and posting on old thread, and provide the journal, title, date and authors of the papers that support your opinion.

Studies show vaccines increase swine flu risk!

There is renewed controversy surrounding influenza vaccines, with some studies showing people immunised against the seasonal flu might have been at greater risk during the swine flu outbreak.

Infectious diseases expert Professor Peter Collignon has called for a review of Australia's flu vaccine policy in light of the new research. Professor Collignon from the Australian National University (ANU) says the new research will only heighten sensitivities. "We may be perversely setting ourselves up that if something really new and nasty comes along, that people who have been vaccinated may in fact be more susceptible compared to getting this natural infection," he said. The World Today requested an interview with Health Minister Nicola Roxon, but she was unavailable.

This subject was raised in October 2009 in a stud y co-authored by researchers from the British Columbia Centre for Disease Control, the Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion and Laval University in Quebec.

Two years later, flu vaccines are still causing seizures, narcolepsy, neurological brain damage and death as reported in Australia, the United States and Europe. Coincidentally the British Science & Technology Committee made up by a bunch of giddy MPs, is insisting that all children should be vaccinated for flu. Are these politicians incapable of reading anything but GlaxoSmithKline propaganda literature and if so, why?
Annie Guest, ABC News

News reports are not (and I repeat): "journal, title, date and authors of the papers that support your opinion." News reports tend to screw up science. So unless you provide the actual evidence, we will just figure you made it all up.

So, I wonder which morphing troll this one is. Is it STY. Oh, wait, STY never even attempted to give evidence. He just claimed he had it all figured out and is going to announce results that be earth shattering... over three months ago.

Hi Chris, you can always spot a septic! Straight in with the Ad hominem attack, total fear of belief system collapse. US never adopted a TB programme.

There is no point telling you why the childhood vaccine programme is dangerous, the WHO recently was forced by the BBC to publish papers marked 'not for publication' that showed infant mortality was 41% higher in the vaccined groups. That kind of experiment is not ethical in England but OK in sub continents apparently, that's the true caring face of your regular docco in action.

Considering I wouldn't go near a vaccine for 'protection' from anything I don't need to evangelise, I've done my research. It is people like you that need to come up to speed, I love the idea that you are shitting it, but if you are going to be rude, that's gonna be your ride buddy.

A least natural selection, with a bit of help from the vaccine boys will trim the septic tank somewhat, you do believe in it? It is a disgrace they have to bring such medieval vaccine voodoo to indigenous populations that have it forced upon them by the world 'aid' programmes, what total bastards.

By smoky mirror (not verified) on 07 Mar 2011 #permalink

Hi Chris, you can always spot a septic! Straight in with the Ad hominem attack, total fear of belief system collapse. US never adopted a TB programme.

There is no point telling you why the childhood vaccine programme is dangerous, the WHO recently was forced by the BBC to publish papers marked 'not for publication' that showed infant mortality was 41% higher in the vaccined groups. That kind of experiment is not ethical in England but OK in sub continents apparently, that's the true caring face of your regular docco in action.

Considering I wouldn't go near a vaccine for 'protection' from anything I don't need to evangelise, I've done my research. It is people like you that need to come up to speed, I love the idea that you are shitting it, but if you are going to be rude, that's gonna be your ride buddy.

A least natural selection, with a bit of help from the vaccine boys will trim the septic tank somewhat, you do believe in it? It is a disgrace they have to bring such medieval vaccine voodoo to indigenous populations that have it forced upon them by the world 'aid' programmes, what total bastards.

The morphing troll:

Hi Chris, you can always spot a septic!

Indeed I can. You are a particularly stinky one and need to be pumped out.

Also, asking a question that shows your statement was specious is not an "ad hominem." And neither is my response to your last remark. That is just a straight up insult, which is in response to your silly insults. So don't play the high road.

(and there is no current polio epidemic in Nigeria, that was over a year ago)

You guys are a right laugh. You are simply incapable of discussing anything that freaks you out. As soon as anyone posts pointing out that your pants are down you get all religious about peer review, papers.

What is it about 'polio vaccine causing polio in Nigeria' do you not understand? Is it the polio, the causing or the vaccine or even Nigeria, what doesn't engage?

By laughoutloud (not verified) on 07 Mar 2011 #permalink

Oh, great. The morphing troll is repeating itself.

Hey have you seen the film 'house of numbers'? I dare you to watch it and then tell us what you think about the HIV/AIDS issue, you will need an exorcism if you get through it without freaking out.

Why are you so worried about the vaccine issue, I don't do it so take responsibility for my actions, you do it and are happy, did you take the swine flu vaccine and a yearly flu shot or do you just talk the talk and then bottle on the quiet?

Yeah you're right, I am so sorry that I was rude, I am freaking out because I now see that the whole vaccine issue is total BS and I wish I had never done it. I can't even face talking about it so I have to avoid any discussions.

Why do you think insults are a good substitute for actual data? Especially when you have "facts" that are obviously out of date.

Morphing troll, Nigeria resumed vaccination and the outbreak is lower, with a fraction of cases in just a couple of years. Do try to keep up:

Cases of polio have decreased in Nigeria, dropping from 388 in 2009 to 21 last year. This is a reduction of 95 per cent.

House of Numbers is a piece of shit propaganda film for HIV denialism. The fact that you would take it seriously just shows what a raving loony you are.

By T. Bruce McNeely (not verified) on 07 Mar 2011 #permalink


The poor dear who can't remember his identity from one post to another is back. Please check her tag, and see that her family helps her find her way back to the place with the nice people who take care of her, and keep her safe from the mean old skeptics who keep contradicting her.

Orac doesn't like it when you assume the identity of someone and pretend to post stuff he/she would never say.

For the record, I did not type the following:
"Hey have you seen the film 'house of numbers'?"
"Yeah you're right, I am so sorry that I was rude,"

I don't believe I have been that rude. Snarky, yes. Rude, no. I also see you are an HIV denier, cute. By the way, I had the swine flu vaccine in 1976, and last year. Your point?

To the real Chris:

My comment is addressed to the morphing troll.
IMHO, morphers should be banned permanently. Morphers who take on others IDs should be shot in the head, and then banned permanently.

By T. Bruce McNeely (not verified) on 07 Mar 2011 #permalink

I know, I did not see your comment, as I had gotten up to do something and did not refresh the screen. But thanks for clarifying (which is what I was doing).

@11, try dead... is that still funny to you? you are some kind of psycho that pushes so hard for vaccines and never considers all the actual dead and debilitated people due to vaccine injuries, vaccine allergic reactions leading to death, vaccine injection site infections leading to death, vaccine induced seizures leading to death, fevers etc. Vaccines are fine, but you and your attitude/personality make me sick!