One last trip down memory lane: Orac meets RFK, Jr. for the first time

i-e7a12c3d2598161273c9ed31d61fe694-ClassicInsolence.jpgOnce again, real life, mainly the eternal search (i.e., groveling) for grant money to keep my lab going, interferes with unreal life. Three grant applications due the same week will do that. Hopefully this will be the last time for a while, at least until unreal life might interfere with unreal life in a couple of weeks at TAM.

In the meantime, it occurs to me. With the recent reacquaintance of skeptical bloggers with the amazing antivaccine crankery that is Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (specifically, when he decided to use Holocaust analogies for vaccines and autism), I thought it might be fun to go back in time and show you all how it all started.

Hard as it is to believe, it's eight (!) years since RFK, Jr. first posted his ridiculous conspiracy-mongering piece on If you're curious about how, after a few tentative dips of my big toe into the ocean of quackery that is the whole vaccine-autism link and its associated "autism biomed" quackery and plunged head first into the deep end of antivaccine quackery, join me in a trip down memory lane and enjoy a particularly tasty piece of classic (Not-So-) Respectful Insolence™ entitled: flushes its credibility down the toilet

After all, if you haven't been reading at least eight years or somehow come across this geme before, it's new to you!


I had been tempted to try to let this cup pass, but I couldn't, not after Skeptico, PZ Myers, and several others e-mailed me about this article, seemingly expecting a response. I thought about just chilling out last night, enjoying Game 4 of the NBA Finals, and letting a response wait until next week, but the more I thought about it, the harder it was to wait. Thank heaven for laptops and wireless networking.

Believe it or not, I've been a fairly regular reader for at least the three years. Despite its leftward tilt, I've generally enjoyed the writing and features. I've even linked to articles and features on occasion. Now I'm going to have to reconsider my opinion of the site. Why? has just plopped down on the web the biggest, steamingest, drippiest turd I've ever seen it publish, an article so mindnumbingly one-sided and uncritical that in my eyes it utterly destroys nearly all credibility has had as a source of reliable news and comment. Honestly, the editors of should hang their heads in shame for publishing this paranoid piece of fear-mongering and trumpeting it as "investigative reporting."

The article to which I refer is, of course, Deadly Immunity (which was a "coinvestigation" by and Rolling Stone--a magazine whose attempts at investigative journalism I haven't taken seriously in years). It's a one-sided account by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. of the supposed link between thimerosal in vaccines and autism that is being promoted by antivaccine activists as an indictment of the government and pharmaceutical companies. For example, the Schaefer Autism Report e-mail list reports that ABC News has cancelled appearances by RFK Jr. on 20/20 and Good Morning America this week. The e-mail invokes the usual conspiracy-mongering, saying, "Our opinion is that they are more concerned about protecting their huge advertising revenues from the pharmaceutical industry than reporting news that could protect pregnant women, infants and children from mercury tainted vaccines." Personally, I suspect it was because ABC News probably figured out that the article was a biased and shoddily researched piece of crap, but then that's just my opinion and hope. Certainly, the newsletter does nothing to dispel my suspicion that this was nothing more than a propaganda piece:

Lujene Clark, co-founder of NoMercury and A-CHAMP (Advocates for Children's Health Affected by Mercury Poisoning), worked extensively with Mr. Kennedy and his office over the past several weeks in preparing the article for publication. The print copy will contain a sidebar from Ms. Clark, providing perspective from her experience as the mother of a thimerosal-injured child and advocate for removing mercury from vaccines.

So the preparation of the article was heavily influenced by an antivaccination activist. Gee, why am I not surprised to learn this? Why didn't just let Lujene Clark write the article? The result would have been the same. In any case, there's so much misinformation, paranoid conspiracy-theory raving, and one-sided stuff in this article that it's hard to know where to start. Fortunately, I've dealt with this topic a few times before recently. Here are just a few of the major problems with the article:

Quote mining. The article begins by making dire insinuations about a conference that was held at the CDC, known as the Simpsonwood Conference, after the conference center where it was held in 2000. It is not an auspicious start, as RFK Jr. does what mercury-autism activists do best: quote-mining. This meeting was a preliminary meeting about the Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD). The entire transcript (warning: big file) of the meeting is over 260 pages long (although there is a version with selected excerpts), and RFK Jr. has carefully chosen a couple of quotes that, when taken out of context, sound like a coverup. I haven't had time to read the whole transcript (and I can assure you that what I have read of it is incredibly dry and dull), but what I see is a lot of discussion about the consistency and accuracy of the early data collection, sources of potential bias in the studies, and debate about what it means. The quote about how the data have to be "handled" is described by RFK Jr. thusly:

Dr. John Clements, vaccines advisor at the World Health Organization, declared flatly that the study "should not have been done at all" and warned that the results "will be taken by others and will be used in ways beyond the control of this group. The research results have to be handled."

Here is what Dr. Clements actually said in context (warning, link to a big file):

I am really concerned that we have taken off like a boat going down one arm of the mangrove swamp at high speed, when in fact there was not enough discussion really early on about which way the boat should go at all. And I really want to risk offending everyone in the room by saying that perhaps this study should not have been done at all, because the outcome of it could have, to some extent, been predicted, and we have all reached this point now where we are left hanging, even though I hear the majority of consultants say to the Board that they are not convinced there is a causality direct link between Thimerosal and various neurological outcomes.

I know how we handle it from here is extremely problematic. The ACIP is going to depend on comments from this group in order to move forward into policy, and I have been advised that whatever I say should not move into the policy area because that is not the point of this meeting. But nonetheless, we know from many experiences in history that the pure scientist has done research because of pure science. But that pure science has resulted in splitting the atom or some other process which is completely beyond the power of the scientists who did the research to control it. And what we have here is people who have, for every best reason in the world, pursued a direction of research. But there is now the point at which the research reults have to be handled, and even if this committee decides that there is no association and that information gets out, the work that has been done and through the freedom of information that will be taken by others and will be used in ways beyond the control of this group. And I am very concerned about that as I suspect it is already too late to do anything regardless of any professional body and what they say. (p. 247)

It sure sounds a whole lot less conspiratorial in context, doesn't it? Dr. Clements was just expressing a quite reasonable fear that lawyers will use very preliminary and unconfirmed studies for their own ends, which is what they do indeed routinely do. Such a concern was not at all unreasonable and is still not unreasonable. In fact, RFK Jr.'s highly selective quoting of Dr. Clements' words is a perfect example of what Dr. Clements was clearly afraid of!

Confusing correlation and causation. The article repeats the usual canard about how autism was unknown before the 1940's, which, coincidentally was when thimerosal-containing vaccines were first used. The article even goes so far as to claim:

The disease was unknown until 1943, when it was identified and diagnosed among 11 children born in the months after thimerosal was first added to baby vaccines in 1931.

No, the reason the disease was "unknown" until 1943 was because it was not described as a specific condition by Dr. Leo Kanner until 1943, after which Dr. Hans Asperger described a similar condition that now bears his name in 1944. Before that, although Dr. Eugen Bleuler had coined the term "autism" in 1911, no specific diagnostic criteria existed for the disease. Even for decades after 1943 autism was not infrequently confused with mental retardation or schizophrenia, and over the last two decades the diagnostic criteria for autism and autism spectum disorders have been widened. In any case, if thimerosal in vaccines were the cause of autism, we would expect autism rates in Denmark and Canada to have plummeted recently, because Denmark eliminated thimerosal from its vaccines by 1995 and Canada removed them around the same time. No such decrease in autism rates has occurred in either country, even though there has been more than enough time for such a decrease to make itself apparent if there were truly a link between mercury exposure and autism. I would ask the mercury-autism activists: If this particular correlation does mean causation, if mercury in thimerosal is indeed a major cause or contributor to autism, why is it, then, that autism rates have not started to fall dramatically in Denmark and Canada by now? That there has been no such decrease is very strong epidemiological evidence that there is no link.

RFK then goes on to list a bunch of studies supposedly showing how toxic thimerosal is, berry-picked and without descriptions of the actual doses of thimerosal used. However, the most idiotic statement is here:

In 1930, the company [Eli Lilly] tested thimerosal by administering it to 22 patients with terminal meningitis, all of whom died within weeks of being injected -- a fact Lilly didn't bother to report in its study declaring thimerosal safe.

The patients had "terminal meningitis" in 1930 and died after injection with thimerosal? Imagine that. Given that penicillin had not been discovered yet, I would have been surprised if any of them lived.

Double standards in looking at "conflicts of interest." RFK Jr. goes on and on about alleged conflicts of interest by vaccine researchers who accept funding from pharmaceutical companies, going so far as to imply that the Institute of Medicine reports of 2001 and 2004 that stated that there is no link between mercury and autism were basically done at the behest of the pharmaceutical companies, never mind the comprehensive review of the literature in 2004 that also failed to find a link. It's the usual conspiracy-mongering insinuations we hear from antivaccination activists and other types of cranks. However, in marked contrast, RFK Jr. approvingly cites the research of Dr. Mark Geier and his son David, both of whom are activists for the mercury-autism crowd, never once mentioning that Dr. Geier is a professional expert witness for vaccine plantiffs, who has been involved in over 100 legal cases brought against vaccine manufacturers and the government on behalf of parents and whose testimony has been disallowed in some for not being sufficiently qualified. Dr. Geier's son David runs a company called MedCon, a medical-legal consulting firm that helps vaccine injury claimants to obtain money from both the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program and through civil litigation.

Hmmm. Sounds to me as though the Geiers have a definite financial conflict of interest when it comes to vaccine studies, and they have published several studies that are widely cited by antivaccination activists as "proof" of a mercury-autism link. None of their studies has ever failed to show such a link. I wonder why RFK didn't see fit to mention that, given his great concern over conflicts of interest in vaccine research. He also didn't mention that the Geiers have used shoddy study methodology and also engaged in data collection irregularities, drawing a rebuke from the CDC and suspension of Dr. Geier's IRB approval from Kaiser-Permanente. Overall, RFK Jr. seems pretty selective in his outrage over conflicts of interest and shoddy research, doesn't he?

The "hidden hordes" fallacy. RFK Jr. cites Professor Boyd Haley, Chairman of the Department of Chemistry at the University of Kentucky, who is an activist and Chair of the Advisory Committee for Toxic Teeth, an anti-amalgam group and whose fallacious reasoning with regards to mercury and autism has been pointed out by Peter Bowditch. This is the same Boyd Haley who got into trouble last year for labeling autism as "Mad Child Disease," leading to a demand for him to apologize, which he has refused to do. Haley is quoted as saying "If the epidemic is truly an artifact of poor diagnosis, then where are all the 20-year-old autistics?" I'll borrow Michelle Dawson's response to that fallacy, which she was kind enough to have posted in the comments of my blog while responding to David Kirby's recent book on vaccines and autism:

Mr Kirby deploys the "hidden hordes" to express his disbelief in the possibility that there is no autism epidemic. Were numbers of autistics steady over the years, he argues, America would be clogged with aging hopeless autistics gruesomely burdening society. Mr Kirby cannot find us (I'm one of his "hidden hordes") how and where he expects (doomed and confined to institutions), so he denies we exist.

Szatmari et al (1989) suggests that Mr Kirby should look for his hordes in university records. In a follow-up of autistics diagnosed as children before 1970, 7 of 16 had university degrees (one was an MBA).

This is in essence a variant of the argument that there is an autism "epidemic" favored by so many advocates favoring a link between autism and mercury. Like many antivaccination activists, RFK also misuses the word "epidemic" by referring to an "autism epidemic," a concept that the Autism Diva debunks rather nicely. Kevin Leitch agrees that there is no autism epidemic and points it out here and here, concluding:

Just to reiterate - there is no autism epidemic. Diagnostic criteria have widened and reporting methods have vastly improved. There may well be an increase in actual case percentage but epidemic? Hardly.

I could go on, but I'm getting tired and I've already failed utterly in my attempt to keep this brief. Besides, I've covered nearly all the fallacies, double standards, and selective data mining like that seen in the article before here, here, here, here, and here. I also point out that, due to activist pressure, the U.S. has already removed thimerosal from nearly all childhood vaccines, with the last vaccines expiring two years ago. Consequently, the main purpose of trying to "prove" this probably nonexistent "link" now is to provide trial lawyers with "evidence" to use in lawsuits. The next 5 years will tell the tale as the children who have received no thimerosal-containing vaccines reach the age at which autism is commonly diagnosed. I'll admit it if I'm wrong and autism rates plummet, but don't expect an apology from the activists when (as is much more likely, given the examples of Denmark and Canada) the rates don't.

The bottom line is that this article is indeed a humongous runny, stinking turd. and Rolling Stone have let their readers down, contributed to the hysteria over a probably nonexistent link between mercury and autism, and utterly trashed their own credibility in the process. They've handed the antivaccination activists a significant propaganda victory and an article that they will be citing for years to come, frightening parents who wonder if vaccines are safe and wrongly adding to the guilt that parents of autistic children already feel by making them wonder if they were responsible for their child's condition.

ADDENDUM #1: Argh! It's been pointed out to me that Tom Tomorrow, one of my favorite lefty cartoonists, has drunk the thimerosal-autism Kool Aid as well (the June 16 entry on his blog, if the link doesn't work correctly). Well, my opinion of him has just fallen several notches. It just goes to show, with Dan Burton,, and Tom Tomorrow all falling on the same side of the fence in this issue, that mercury-autism junk science is the fallacy that all sides of the political spectrum seem to like to fall for, although my perception persists that it is more favored on the left.

ADDENDUM #2: Bummer. It looks like ABC News will show the interviews with RFK Jr. about this story after all.

ADDENDUM #3: Autism Diva has weighed in and posted the entire A-CHAMP Action Alert that I had quoted. (This piece was more than long enough already, which was why I didn't post the whole thing myself.) Soapgun has also pointed out that Don Imus is on board the mercury-autism bandwagon big time. Ali at blendor has also castigated, beating me to it.

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I had wanted to let this cup pass, but couldn't, not after several readers e-mailed it to me and I went and experienced its inanity first hand. As Michael Corleone said in The Godfather, Part III: "Just when I thought I was finally out, they drag me back in again!" In this case, it was Robert F.…

This post is eight years old?
*plus ca change plus c'est la meme chose*

Mercury appears to be very much in the news in anti-vax world, today:
@ TMR- a holistic psychiatrist, Kelly Brogan, discusses pre- natal flu vaccines
@ AoA- Julie O. perseverates upon flu vaccines as well.

Recently, we've all witnessed the antics of Hooker, Crosby, Bolen & Kennedy re-iterating the Hg theme.

Doesn't anybody get that whole "dose/ poison' thing?
Oh wait, most also believe in homeopathy therefore minuscule doses must be the most powerful toxins.

Even then, I wish I could read their ideas about the underlying mechanism by which they propose that Hg in vaccines 'causes' ASDs in 6 days, was it?
I enjoy sci fi.

By Denice Walter (not verified) on 25 Jun 2013 #permalink

This trip down memory land is a delight...more so, now that Kennedy *claims* to have a new book about the dangers of Thimerosal.

That new book according to Jake Crosby, was *commissioned* by Kennedy who supposedly paid *researchers* ($100,000), to investigate the Thimerosal-autism link and is coughing up another $100 K for editing and publishing the book.

I'm with Jake while he campaigns to have Kennedy's book published. :-)

This trip down memory ^lane...or memory land.…
The American Academy of Pediatrics
Global ban on mercury grants exception to thimerosal-containing vaccines
--------excerpt follows------------

... Over the years, some anti-vaccine activists have confused ethylmercury with the highly dangerous neurotoxin methylmercury and erroneously linked thimerosal to autism.

The treaty exemption was viewed as a positive step by many vaccine experts.

“This is a bold stroke for protecting children,” said Walt Orenstein, M.D., FAAP, of the Emory Vaccine Center. He credited the scientific community for providing the background information and showing how removing thimerosal from vaccines, thus requiring single-dose packaging, “could potentially be very harmful.”

“We in the United States take for granted the refrigerator space and freezer space that we have, and so single-dose packaging, for example, has not been a big issue … But when you look at the poor countries of the world who are very strapped, having to go from a 10-dose vial to 10 one-dose vials is a big, big stress on their refrigeration capacity. And so, it is absolutely key in allowing them to deliver these vaccines safely to children,” Dr. Orenstein said.

“This will help in continuing to save lives in the developing world.”

By Hank Roberts (not verified) on 25 Jun 2013 #permalink

Julie O's latest screed at AoA is precious:…

You just *know* it is going to be *good* when she refuses to identity the "researcher" who conducted an "experiment"

"An experiment conducted by a researcher at a major university (who wishes to remain anonymous) provides evidence that the amount of the mercury in a vaccine can vary by draw from the same vial. Depending on the location of the draw (top or bottom of vial), as well as whether or not the vial was shaken immediately prior to the draw, the amount of mercury differs."

(The "location of the draw" when filling a syringe is always toward the bottom of an inverted multi-dose vial...after air in the amount of the dose is injected in the vial).…

If RFK jr ever wore contact lenses. there's a chance he was squirting Thimerosal all over those lenses (and upon his all-seeing eyes) every day. (this is like when the PETA crazies would come picket biomedical research at my medical school and we'd go out and find the ones among them wearing leather shoes.).

By Chris Hickie (not verified) on 25 Jun 2013 #permalink

If RFK jr ever wore contact lenses. there's a chance he was squirting Thimerosal all over those lenses (and upon his all-seeing eyes) every day. (this is like when the PETA crazies would come picket biomedical research at my medical school and we'd go out and find the ones among them wearing leather shoes.).

By Chris Hickie (not verified) on 25 Jun 2013 #permalink

You've got to wonder what took the AAP so long, before they issued a statement of support for the use of multi-dose vials containing Thimerosal. The1999 AAP Statement in support of a ban of Thimerosal in multi-dose vaccines was quietly removed from the AAP website in 2001...yet it took another eleven years for the AAP to issue a statement in support of the use of multi-dose vaccines that contain Thimerosal.


Ban on Thimerosal in Draft Treaty on Mercury: Why the AAP's Position in 2012 Is So Important

Louis Z. Cooper, MD, FAAP and
Samuel L. Katz, MD, FAAP

"Removal of the ban on thimerosal-containing vaccines (TCVs) represents a significant reversal of the position expressed in an AAP/USPHS joint statement in 1999 that called for elimination of mercury in vaccines and the subsequent actions taken in the United States.2 Understanding the circumstances that led 14 years ago to the 1999 statement and the knowledge accumulated in these subsequent years can reinforce the importance of the 2012 AAP/USPHS position. AAP representatives and other members of national pediatric societies within the International Pediatric Association advocating for deletion of the provision banning TCVs need to know why the elimination of thimerosal was initially called for in 1999 but is no longer indicated..."

(Factors leading up to that 1999 AAP Statement)

"...Other factors influenced the timing and detail of the joint recommendations: (1) Recognition that mercury levels might exceed even 1 government guideline was cause for concern. (2) Absent more specific data on the safety of ethyl mercury in the form of thimerosal, prompt public disclosure was warranted to protect public trust. (3) Ongoing hearings of a US congressional committee chaired by a legislator convinced that vaccines had harmed his grandchild were amplified by parents with similar views. (4) These allegations were receiving increasing media attention along with charges that the public health establishment was not fully transparent about the risks of vaccines...."


"...Since 1999, studies to better understand the pharmacology and toxicology of ethyl mercury have documented the profound differences between ethyl and methyl mercury. In addition, efforts to find evidence of harm to children from TCVs, used globally for >60 years, have failed to reveal any such damage. This is in sharp contrast to experience involving methyl mercury, a documented serious neurotoxin.

Had the AAP (and, we suspect, the USPHS) known what research has revealed in the intervening 14 years, it is inconceivable to us that these organizations would have made the joint statement of July 7, 1999. The World Health Organization recommendation to delete the ban on thimerosal must be heeded or it will cause tremendous damage to current programs to protect all children from death and disability caused by vaccine-preventable diseases."

I could've lived without the shot at Rolling Stone. Their political coverage with Matt Taibbi and the late Michael Hastings is without doubt the best in America right now. I could honestly care less what their position on vaccination is.

By TheExpatriate700 (not verified) on 25 Jun 2013 #permalink

Lilady, you both depress me and give me hope that maybe someday the AAP will do something about Sears/Gordon.

By Chris Hickie (not verified) on 25 Jun 2013 #permalink

I could’ve lived without the shot at Rolling Stone. Their political coverage with Matt Taibbi and the late Michael Hastings is without doubt the best in America right now. I could honestly care less what their position on vaccination is.

The co-publisher of this article (Salon) repudiated and dropped it from its website after the editors realized what a pile of crap it was. Rolling Stone still has it in their archives with no disclaimers whatsoever. The shot at Rolling Stone is well deserved.

@9: Even if we accept that the Stone's journalism is otherwise sterling, that doesn't excuse passing off propaganda and misinformation as journalism (let alone investigative journalism).

The higher the caliber of the publication, the larger a blot this kind of shoddy reporting becomes.

@TE700 - good to excellent political reporting doesn't make up for the fact that their position in silently supporting RFK Jr. is very bad for public health.....

@lilady #5
But wouldn't shaking the vial potentize the mercury in the vaccine?! That would be pretty awful.

By The Smith of Lie (not verified) on 25 Jun 2013 #permalink

@ The Smith of Lie:

"But wouldn’t shaking the vial potentize the mercury in the vaccine?! That would be pretty awful."


Perhaps you are thinking of the homeopathic vaccines that contain nosodes that are shaken before administering, that are available in Canada for prevention/treating of vaccine-preventable-diseases?…

@ The Smith of Lie:

But wouldn’t shaking the vial potentize the mercury in the vaccine?! That would be pretty awful.

By homeopathic theory, yes. However, it would then be useful for treating mercury poisoning and, by extension, any mercurial mood disorders, ownership of Mercury automobiles, and kleptomania. Thanks for asking!

By Mephistopheles… (not verified) on 25 Jun 2013 #permalink

IT'S MERCURY DAY AT AGE OF AUTISM!!! Cripes, Jim Thompson, a newbie blogger at AoA, is reviving that old Baskin study about "teh ebil Thimerosal" killing off brain tissue in a laboratory.…

I'm kinda *partial* to Linda Tock's analysis on Autismum's blog, "Overdosing Brain Cells With Stuff Is Bad"

Is that our very own Autismum? Excellent link, I'd heartily recommend other science neophytes (like myself!) to click. It's easy to read and breaks down exactly how silly the study is. (Spoiler alert: Cells die when bathed in high doses of poison.)

It's that kind of layman's science that's vital to combating crankery.

Stop parasitizing the taxpayers, Orac.

By Sid Offit (not verified) on 25 Jun 2013 #permalink



T Bruce @20 -- Well, that's a new one. Our resident troll seems to think that researching the biology of cancer is "parasitizing the taxpayer".

The many, many taxpayers who have seen loved ones die of these horrible maladies might consider this to be an entirely appropriate use of their money.

By palindrom (not verified) on 25 Jun 2013 #permalink

@Sid Offal:

"Orac" is an MD and saves lives.

You do what, exactly?

By Spectator (not verified) on 25 Jun 2013 #permalink

@Spectator - don't you know? Sid only believes in helping oneself - acting in an altruistic manner is anathema to the followings of Ayn Rand......

acting in an altruistic manner is anathema to the followings of Ayn Rand……

I read Atlas Shrugs -- I even slogged through the thirty page speech -- and I wondered how Rand's ideal society would survive past the first generation. They were supposed to never do anything except for a fair exchange, and what fair exchange does a baby give?

Spectator@23: somebody has to be a bad example to the rest of us.

@LW - I always equated Objectivism / Libertarianism with Communism....great in theory, but horrible in practice, because of their denial of basic human behavior and human nature.....

It's tough to be a mediocrity in such a famous family.

By I. Rony Meter (not verified) on 26 Jun 2013 #permalink


Did you have to actually go to the site to find that out? );

By I. Rony Meter (not verified) on 26 Jun 2013 #permalink

@IRM - I guess the whole aluminum angle isn't sexy enough for them.....mercury is much scarier....

@IRM – I guess the whole aluminum angle isn’t sexy enough for them…..mercury is much scarier….

If aluminum becomes the new Heavy Metal of Doom, what are they going to wear on their heads instead?

What I want to know is why antivaxxers are not hailing the massive decline in autism diagnoses coincident with the withdrawal of thimerosal in vaccines in the last 10 years. Oh wait, because there was no massive decline in autism diagnoses. Even though one would be expected if their hypothesis had any basis in reality.

@Adam - I wonder if it ever enters the Anti-Vax mind, that if we become better at diagnosing something (or changing the criteria to include a wider range of symptoms) that we would naturally see an increase...though not a true increase in incidence.....also, they like to point out the 1 in whatever numbers, with no breakdown as far as the percentage that would be considered "high functioning" vs. highly autistic....without that distinction, the numbers that people like Greg like to quote have no underlying meaning.....

If aluminum becomes the new Heavy Metal of Doom, what are they going to wear on their heads instead?


While catching up on the newspapers after being on a four day trip, I came across this rather telling letter to "Ask Amy":blockquote>For the past few months, the child’s mother has made almost daily Twitter and Facebook posts about their son’s condition that really upset my fiance. The shared pictures and quotes make it seem like their child is very impaired by his condition, which he isn’t. He’s being painted as a helpless victim who will need lifelong care, not the intelligent, funny and lively boy that he is.

I don’t think she realizes how offensive and hurtful this is on my fiance’s end. He has the same relatively mild diagnosis and he grew into a happy, successful adult. It’s hard for him to see her talking about their child as if his future went from bright and happy to bleak and full of challenges the second he was diagnosed.

Why does this seem so familiar?

Sorry for mucking up the blockquotes... I think you can get the drift.

@Chris - that is very eerie.....

@Sid Offal:

“Orac” is an MD and saves lives.

You do what, exactly?

You mean aside from censoring comments on the page he gets for free from Facebook? Apparently, "The Vaccine Machine" so obviously lacks market value that Bob can't be bothered to put on his Playtex baby pants and buy his own hosting.

Jim Thompson, a newbie blogger at AoA

But well known elsewhere -- HuffPo, AoA itself -- as "sdtech." That is one seriously comical attempt at imitating a real paper. (Jim, a clue: Equations don't have legends. And WTF did you use to make that typographical monstronsity, anyway?)

Oh, no, not only does Mathcad pretend to typesetting, it's been bought by Arbortext* "PTC."

* Their SGML editor (and probably is, as development was by accretion) was held together with twine and chewing gum, but at least one could turn off most of the W-rdish crap that they kept piling on and get a command line out of the damn thing.