The Minnesota Twins!

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A little something to get you past the mid-week hump. CLICK the play button. Then CLICK and DRAG on the video screen to pan across the 360° view. Embed this video in your blog CLICK the play button. Then CLICK and DRAG on the video screen to pan across the 360° view. Embed this video in…
Since getting a smartphone, I never use my iPod anymore. (I handed it down to Junior who is now getting a psychedelic musical education. He's into the Marbles.) But the switch of course led to a huge drop in the ease of use. Here are the steps I have to go through to get my phone to play my mp3s in…
Do not click THIS. Don't. And if you do click it, do not follow the link. Just don't. But if you do follow the link, don't press "play," and if you do press play make sure there are no children or nuns around. Enjoy.
I live in Minnesota, and our team is the Vikings. So I know something about losing, and from this perspective, I can explain to you what Norm Coleman is doing. First, the context. Tomorrow, Saturday, the canvassing board will open and count absentee ballots and add that to the mix. As I…

That was kind of lame