
I have started to assemble a new blogroll for this new blog--the one on my last site was extremely outdated. My general policy is going to be that I will not list blogs that are right here at ScienceBlogs, simply because anyone reading the site is naturally going to see what the other participants are posting daily anyway. (Although, I'm quite open to arguments about why I shouldn't run the blogroll this way.) So far I've just added five blogs that I can vouch for, more will be coming. Check out one of them, SciAm Observations, for a recent post from John Rennie about my debate with Ron Bailey and Wesley Smith in New York City. Rennie seems to think I held my own, which is kind of him.....


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I liked reading the SciAm blog when it was on Typepad (or was it Blogger?), but when they moved it to their own website, and set it up to not allow comments, I pretty much stopped reading it.

Well, the contents of the SciAm blog are still high quality!!!

If you're updating your blogroll, you might consider browsing the "rocket scientists" section of mine for worthy additions.

Well, hopefully Fight Aging! makes the cut from the old list to the new - although I notice healthy life extension isn't highly placed in your topic list these days.

My general policy is going to be that I will not list blogs that are right here at ScienceBlogs

Judging from Seed's science blog expansionism, I would say that that leaves pretty much nothing to link to!

By Jason Malloy (not verified) on 14 Jan 2006 #permalink

We are all biting our nails in suspense. It's like Survivor - who is Chris going to vote off the islans, er, blogroll....

It's not like voting off the island. I'm going to compile a new blogroll based on sites I'm reading and visiting. If it's the old one, fine, if it's new ones, that's fine too.