"Who Owns Knowledge" at George Mason This Tuesday

I'll be speaking on Tuesday at what looks to be a great event hosted by George Mason University's cultural studies Ph.D. program. Here's the roster of talks (for more details see here):

Who Owns Knowledge?

A Symposium on Science and Technology in the Global Circuit

9:00-10:20 AM: States of Knowledge: Science in Political and Institutional Contexts

CHAIR: Daniele Struppa (Mathematics, GMU)
Hugh Gusterson (Associate Professor of Anthropology, MIT): "Do Nuclear Weapons Scientists Matter Anymore? Military Science After the Cold War."
Itty Abraham (Research Fellow, East-West Center; SSRC): "Strange Bedfellows: Postcolonial Critics, Hindu Nationalists, and Questions of Science. "
Stanley Aronowitz (Professor of Sociology, CUNY): "Changing Conditions of Scientific Labor."


CHAIR: Jonathan Marks (Anthropology, UNC-Charlotte)
Mario Biagioli (Professor of the History of Science, Harvard): "Who Steals Knowledge? Plagiarism in Science."
TroyDuster (Professor of Sociology, NYU): "Biomarkers and Biomarketing: The Molecular Reinscription of Race for Profit."
Chris Mooney (Washington Correspondent, Seed magazine; Senior Correspondent, The American Prospect): "The Republican War on Science: Intelligent Design, Stem Cell Research, and Global Climate Change."


1:00-:2:20 PM: Who Owns "Life?" Biological Property, Pharmaceutical Patents, and Industrial Agriculture

CHAIR: Denise Albanese (English, GMU)
Daniel Kevles (Professor of History, Yale): "Patents and Patrimony: Intellectual Property Rights in the Human Genome."
Cori Hayden (Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Berkeley): "Pharmaceutical Publics: Rethinking Research, Development, and (Re)Distribution."
Susan Merrill Squier (Professor of Women's Studies and English, Penn State): "Poultry Science, Chicken Culture: Globalizing Industrial Agriculture."

2:30-4:50 PM: Brave New World: The New Frontiers of Science, Technology, and Democracy

CHAIR: Roger Lancaster (Cultural Studies, GMU)
Rayna Rapp (Professor of Anthropology, NYU): "Standing on the Biological Horizon: Genetic Citizenship, Health Activism, and Pharmaceutical Economies."
Jeremy Crampton (Associate Professor of Anthropology and Geography, Georgia State): "The Biopolitics of Geosurveillance and Security."
Langdon Winner (Professor of Science and Technology Studies, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute): "The Right to Shape Technology: An Unfinished Project for Democracy."

5:00-6:15 PM: RECEPTION

Like I said, looks like a great event, and hopefully will provide some new perspectives on the new "science wars"....


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By gerald spezio (not verified) on 20 Apr 2006 #permalink