General Wesley Clark on Science

I must admit, I was starting to worry about this upcoming Yearly Kos science panel in Vegas. In the city that never sleeps, the event was scheduled for 8 am (!)--the one time, if ever, when people visiting Vegas probably do sleep. I had a suspicion that nobody would even attend.

Well, scratch that: We just learned that General Wesley Clark is actually going to be joining the panel. This is awesome in myriad ways, not the least of them being that Clark has become very outspoken about climate change...


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This is a good typical example of your movement's breathtaking hypocricy. If he were a politician with reasonable opinions about the climate, such as James Inhofe, you would label him a corrupt madman and outsider paid by "evil" oil industry. But because this politician repeats your stupid and hysterical fantasies about the climate, it is "awesome in myriads of ways". Don't tell me that you misunderstand why I despise people like you. I won't believe it.