
From hurricane guru Jeff Masters: "It could be an exceptionally active June." He's promising to explain why he thinks so later today. If he's right, it's certainly not good news for New Orleans, still with crippled levees, and where I'm headed this Saturday...

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There is so much to worry about with this storm...and also, just maybe, a ray of hope. Gustav has not explosively intensified over the Gulf of Mexico loop current, as feared. It is now a 100 knot Category 3 storm, with some intensification forecast before landfall, but not too, too much. Meanwhile…
I've barely even met newly installed National Hurricane Center director Bill Proenza. I shook his hand at the National Hurricane Conference last April in New Orleans, and at the American Meteorological Society meeting last January in San Antonio, I asked him a question about hurricanes and global…
Jeff Masters gives us a useful rundown on Alberto's life history; here's the part I find most interesting: Alberto formed from a tropical wave that moved off of the coast of Africa on May 30. The wave tracked farther north than usual for June, entering the eastern Caribbean on June 5, and the…
I wake up this morning, rub the grog out of my eyes, and find that this storm is still stronger and better organized. The winds are up to nearly 65 mph, the pressure down to 1001 mb. You can even see what looks kinda like the beginning of an eye in the satellite imagery. In short, just a little…