Taking the Blinders Off

So: KAC got sent the Discovery Institute's critique (PDF) of my chapter on "intelligent design." Her very appropriate response: "(WTF?!)" She also claims I'm "blinding her with science" (and provides the classic Thomas Dolby video to prove it).

The video is quite a trip, you have to watch it. Anyway, I think I know how KAC feels. Who would want to walk into such an obscure back and forth, like my debate with the Discovery Institute, and try to make heads or tails of it? Face it, we ScienceBloggers do tend to get down into the weeds a bit at times.

KAC, I promise, our first conversation won't be about this kind of stuff. (Unless you really, really insist...)

For that matter, if anybody brings the Discovery Institute up at the party, I hereby decree that they have to drink one of the following science-related drinks:

Tiger's Milk


Scorpion's Tail

Kyoto Cocktail

And of course, last but not least.....there's the rightly infamous Hurricane....


...a meteorological-monstrosity-turned-alcoholic-abomination which also comes in a Pacific version: the Kamikaze. And yes, "Kamikaze" referred to a tropical cyclone centuries before it ever referred to a suicide pilot...or a really nasty drink.

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When you and KAC get married, are we invited?

By Jim Ramsey (not verified) on 21 Sep 2006 #permalink

It all sounds so scientific. So, well, boring.

I dunno know is this is the one for you, Chris.

By somnilista, FCD (not verified) on 21 Sep 2006 #permalink

Keep your distance from KAC, Chris. Much like pool tables, redheads are Trouble. :)

By Steve Bloom (not verified) on 22 Sep 2006 #permalink