RWOS Mentioned on Larry King by James Carville

From the transcript of the October 30th show; "INGRAHAM" is Laura Ingraham:

KING: Laura, would you agree that more than 50 percent of the public would support stem cell research?

INGRAHAM: I think more than 50 percent of the public would probably approve of public executions of child molesters but it doesn't mean that we actually do that, Larry, I mean please.

KING: But so the question is -- Laura let me finish. It's my show.

INGRAHAM: Thanks for clarifying.

KING: Laura, the question is if you came out for the public execution of child molesters you might win and that's the question. Will this issue win for you?

INGRAHAM: I have no idea whether it's going to win or not.

KING: OK, what do you think James?

INGRAHAM: I actually talk about what I think is right and I don't think it's right to destroy human embryos.

KING: James, is it a winning issue?

CARVILLE: I think that the entire Republican war on science is going to hurt them. I think that people like Senator Danforth in Missouri are completely (INAUDIBLE) by this. I think the scientific community is. And I think people in this country have a lot of trust in the scientific and medical community in this country. I don't think it's something very smart to run against. So, I think it's going -- I think that this is going to work out pretty well.

UPDATE: Italics added above. Ah, how glorious it is to become a talking point...

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