Missing the Waxman Hearing

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Oh well. There's a very important politicization of science hearing (PDF) on the Hill this morning in about an hour, and jury duty is going to prevent me from going. I haven't been picked for a trial yet, but my last "voir dire" also didn't end by the end of the day yesterday...and the Superior Court has some bizarre rule about not being able to pay staff for any overtime hours. So all the potential jurors have to come back and finish the selection process today instead.

Maybe I'll make it over for the end of the Waxman hearing if by some miracle I get off early. In any event, it looks like it's going to be very important...the beginning of a new era for science and politics in Washington, no less.

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By Jon Winsor (not verified) on 30 Jan 2007 #permalink

Chris, I was just thinking that another description for the "Republican War on Science" could be called "Affirmative Action for Fantasists, Crackpots and Magical Thinkers". I know, it's not as catchy, but it does capture the essence.