That "Do Something" Congress

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Looks like, as Seed's Washington correspondent, I'm going to be spending a lot of time on the Hill this week. Look what we've got coming up:

1. Senate Commerce Committee: Climate Change Research and Scientific Integrity, Wednesday, February 7, 10 am. Looks like we'll be hearing not only from whistleblower Rick Piltz this time, but also from Thomas Knutson of NOAA-GFDL, who has charged that he had press interview requests turned down on the subject of hurricanes and global warming (on which he's an expert).

2. House Science Committee: The State of Climate Change Science 2007, Thursday, February 8, 10 am. Look for a detailed airing of the latest results. I'm going to be there mostly to see what the angles of attack are on the climate scientists who will be testifying.

I'll be blogging each of these hearings....

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