Watch the Devastating John Kerry Cross-Ex

Click here, and go to around minute 2:14:45. Then watch for about 15 minutes. I think it's quite a display, and a strong suggestion that the new Congress is really going to get serious on the climate issue, as well as the science integrity issue.

P.S.: Make sure to watch also the bit around minute 2:27:00 where it's observed that OSTP didn't show up for the hearing....

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He broke under pressure like Dr. Strangelove. I could have sworn I heard him call plaintively for his evil master. It's kind of similar because the scientists of the Third Reich pretty much threw good sense out the window to follow the boss.

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Do you have any other links for it...? RM doesn't work on-campus, but I really want to see. I'm interning there in the spring, I <3 my senator!

Now that he has declared he will not run in 08, I think we are seeing the real John Kerry -- the same one who once asked in testimony before Congress " How do you ask a man to be the last man to die for a mistake?"

Give 'em hell, Senator Kerry. Hound these Bush cheerleaders to the far corners of the earth and back.

By Dark Tent (not verified) on 08 Feb 2007 #permalink

This link doesn't work for me in either Firefox or IE. I'll search around for another video link.

By Uncle Vinny (not verified) on 09 Feb 2007 #permalink