The GOP and Climate Science, Take Three

My latest Huffington Post entry is up; it's an attempt to add to the ongoing dialogue about why so many in the GOP are still in denial about global warming.

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Chris wrote in his Huffington Post piece: "It's not just that many Republicans reject mainline "science"; they actually have their own."

Yes, and they seem to have their own alternative Universe too -- where normal physical laws are suspended, left is right, down is up and rabbits and walruses speak.

By Dark Tent (not verified) on 26 Mar 2007 #permalink

If it's sealed off, why are they working so hard at the pumps?

I still think someone should muckrake these "sealed off alternative knowledge environments." You could include case studies of science abuse, backgrounders on the careers of different science abusers, their influences (Is Leo Strauss an influence on anybody?), etc.

By Jon Winsor (not verified) on 26 Mar 2007 #permalink

There is something sadly ironic about conservatives first complaining that 2500 scientists around the world are part of some evil conspiracy and that their science doesn't stand up to criticism, then claiming that a British documentary CLEARLY defends their beliefs and conclusively proves that global warming is entirely natural, and to boot, accuse the scientists of not engaging with the "skeptics" over the skeptics' concerns.

You've got a linkspammer in the responses above (the actual URL really does end with a dot).

Example of a top-rated article there:
"... They cite the increase in certain gases like CO2 which are purportedly on the rise do to the millions of different engines that burn fossil fuels across the world. Supposedly this changes the qualities of the atmosphere that hold in the energy from the sun much like a green house does. What people don't realize is that these are all theories to explain trends in the environment that no one has any clue about...."

Author's bio: "the Author: [...] is a grade school science teacher with a PhD in earth science ...."

Yeah. Right.

By Hank Roberts (not verified) on 26 Mar 2007 #permalink

Lately, I've been coming across numerous blogs where the claim is made that Pluto, Triton, Jupiter, and Mars are all showing global warming -- and that this proves the global warming is due entirely to solar output.

With the exception of the Mars case (and even often there), the blogs will link to articles about the climate change on those bodies -- articles that explain the change is not due to solar output increases but rather due to orbital mechanics or local weather changes (Jupiter in particular).

The refer to articles the authors obviously didn't bother to read.

Anyone who's read Chris' first book knows exactly the kind of cherry picking of information that's being done. It's the same kind as the Creationists and IDers use.

I don't like to assume the other side is evil, but I can't help but come to the conclusion the problem is that they don't like the answer science is giving them, and so they will do whatever they have to in order to reach a more palatable conclusion.

BTW: If Pluto's temp went up 1.5 Kelvin from a solar output increase, Earth's temp would have already increased 7 Kelvin. I'm pretty sure we'd have noticed that.