If Attacking Al Gore Was a Movie, It Would be Say Anything

I just posted over at Huffington post--I'm not the first to pile on, but I thought it important to contribute to the utter dismantling of this truly clueless op-ed that ran in the Washington Post yesterday by Emily Yoffe. You can read my piece (with the same title as this post) here.

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Just read your Huffington "post". Thanks for trying to clarify the difference between weather and climate from a science take. Washington "elite" usually do garble...

Good article Chris, Yoffe should be ashamed. It's exasperating reading these tired old arguments over and over from people that should know better.

Yoffe says "just because something can be plotted on an X and Y axis does not make it the whole truth."

...and just because something is printed in the Washington Post does not make it the whole truth -- or even partial truth, if their BS pre-war reports on WMD are any indication.

I'll take Gore's X-Y axes any day of the week over the axes the Washington Post editors have to grind.

By Dark Tent (not verified) on 26 Jun 2007 #permalink

Not to over-analyze Yoffe based on this one piece, but in my experience people who had a hard time with high school geometry are generally thin on pattern recognition skills. That would seem to explain a lot in her case.

Chris, I'm surprised you didn't highlight her blatant error of stating that "experts" predicted that the 2006 hurricane season would be worse than 2005. That the WaPo editorial page editors don't seem to have noticed it either says something about them as well.

By Steve Bloom (not verified) on 26 Jun 2007 #permalink