Why Did Global Warming "Tip"? (Part II)

My second post on this subject is now up at Huffington Post. Check it out.

The first post, published yesterday, is here. Read together, in order, I think they make for a pretty comprehensive essay on the subject at around 2,000 words in length.

I want to emphasize that I couldn't have written any of this without Nisbet's research, and want to give credit where it is way due.

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It has tipped in terms of trees killed, bandwidth occupied, words used, but according to surveys, most people simply don't believe it.
So we have the elites declaring something, the inventor of the internet himself declaring a global emergency, and most people doubt it. It must be very frustrating for the believers.

One other question: If Global Wamring has in fact peaked, and not tipped, would your analysis be able to tell the difference?

My purely subjective perception is that the IPCC (the 4th one) that came out 5 months ago or so was final straw that caused the tip, but of course that could only have happened because of all the things you enumerate leading up to that point. For several months now not a day seems to go by with a story in the MSM.

Now if we could only get some attention for how it all ties into population growth .... John Feeney writes about that here.

The attention to global warming has tipped partly because (IMHO) the visible evidence of its effects have become so pronounced. Anybody who lives anywhere near mountains can see the disappearance of glaciers, rising and disappearing snow caps, etc. I think that much of the resistance to global warming theory was pure and simple denial: people refusing to admit that it was happening at all.

At this point, only discredited wingnuts like hunter still hold onto that belief. (Hunter: repeat after me. Al Gore never claimed to have "invented the Internet". That's a lie. It's a lie that was repeated time after time by his political enemies. The fact that you are still passing it on indicates you have a deep need to purge your old sources of information and find some new ones. We'll welcome you to the 21st century when you do.)