Catch Me Talking With RFK Jr.

I just appeared on the Air America show Ring of Fire to discuss Storm World, and it turns out there's a televised version on GoLeft TV where you can at least see RFK Jr. talking, although not me:

In other updates, my fellow science bloggers have been really great to Storm World and have published a number of thoughtful reviews. Kevin Beck and Afarensis had already given their take, and this week Josh Rosenau, Janet Stemwedel, and PZ weighed in. I have to say a bit more about PZ's take: He elected to review the book as it it was a sci-fi novel, and the result is simply hilarious. Favorite sentence:

I give it two thumbs up, with one hand curling clockwise and the other anti-clockwise.

Thanks PZ, and thanks, fellow SciBlings! And now I'm off to prepare my special Harry Potter-related remarks that will come at the beginning of my talk at Politics and Prose tonight.....

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Why is that guy talking like that? Is he nervous?

Given his antivaccination lies, misinformation, and conspiracy-mongering about thimerosal in vaccines, I have zero respect for RFK, Jr.


If I ever got the chance to talk to him, I'd tell him how much contempt I have for his stance on thimerosal. The guy's a wingnut.

Not to mention his insanely hypocritical stance on the Cape Wind offshore wind power project. I don't have any respect for him either.