Grassy Noel

i-7a1341304f993b1186bb7d5293be0b20-TSNoel.jpgJust when you thought hurricane season was over...Nope. Here's Tropical Storm Noel. Probably not going to get very intense...but a major rainfall risk in the Caribbean.

I had gotten fond of saying that this Atlantic hurricane season came in like a lion and went out like a lamb. Let's hope the lion isn't returning...


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Still sticking to your two more major hurricanes prediction Chris?

My mistake, your post clearly says 4 or 5 category 4 or 5 tropical cyclones "globally". Perhaps I can be forgiven since the post has the heading "My Hurricane Forecast for the Rest of 2007". Hurricanes are tropical cyclones in the Atlantic basin. I think I was mentally splitting the number, rounding in your favor. Maybe it's just a sign of my declining mental faculties.

Any way, I wasn't trying to be adversarial. I was just curious to see what you thought of the quiet pattern evident in the tropical Atlantic and if you had any reason to expect an increase in hurricane activity for the dwindling season.

As I'm sure you are aware the ACE is well below average for the year. 2007 looks to go down as a relatively inactive season.

Lance - when you say 'I wasn't trying to be adversarial', it helps if the rest of your posts try not to sound adversarial...

Fair enough.