A few weeks ago, I appeared for the second time on PBS KCET's "Tavis Smiley Show," this time to discuss Storm World and global warming generally. I would have given an update and told folks to watch the show live, but I didn't know when my segment was going to air.
But in any rate, you can now go online to read the transcript of the interview--or to listen to it. Here's a brief excerpt:
Tavis: Let me ask you two questions about Republicans. One about the current occupant of the White House, President Bush, and the other about the Republicans running to take his place in the Oval Office in 2008. The latter first. I just read an article the other day that suggested that amongst those running now for the GOP presidential nomination, there is a divide on the issue of global warming.
There isn't this uniformity like there was some time ago, uniformity opposed to the science on global warming. Now there's a divide about global warming and what our responsibility is as humans to do something about it. What's your read on that divide amongst some of these candidates running for the GOP nomination?
Mooney: I think that's accurate. There is a divide. This is the triumph of Al Gore. The issue is shifting and it's becoming harder and harder to be a denier, to be questioning the science. It's becoming kind of embarrassing to be a denier at this point.
So you have some Republicans, the more conservative ones, the kind of Tom Tancredos who are still out there still questioning the science. But if you look at the whole field, you find you have some of the more moderates, the McCains, the Giulianis, they accept human causation.
They realize that we got to do something about it. Even somebody like Sam Brownback. Mike Huckabee is talking about how we have to find different energy solutions for powering our societies because we can't stick with fossil fuels into the indefinite future. I think the issue is turning. I think we're going to get the policy solutions we need in the next presidency.
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I happened upon the televised interview one night about two or three weeks ago. I thought it was an informative, intelligent give and take of information. Enjoyed it...