Sheril on ScienceDebate2008

Keeping November in perspective, the upcoming election isn't about gender, race, or Nader... it's about our collective future. And the Call for a presidential debate on science and technology doesn't just come from our luminaries, it's been taken up by students, businesspeople, doctors, teachers, and concerned citizens everywhere--including us!

Sheril Kirshenbam
Resident Blogger, Marine Biologist, Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions, Duke University; Member of ScienceDebate2008 steering committee
Watch more video statements here


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Well said Sheril. I have played this for my daughter and hope she shows her class. They are learning about politics and the message is that its relevant to all of us. While they are too young to vote, I want my children to understand the need to take an active role in politics when they're older.

Beautifully put, Sheril! You go girl!

I was really pleased to see how eager the ScienceDebate2008 folks have been to include a great diversity of scientists' voices.

They are not including the voice of the only scientist running for President (Ron Paul). Why not?