Death by Blogging?

Gee, this sounds scarily familiar....not that I have experienced anything like the kind of health problems these bloggers seem to to have incurred from the insane 24-7 lifestyle. But I too have been sucked in many, many times by the obsessiveness of it--and then stepped back and found myself wondering if that obsessiveness was entirely healthly.

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Overblogging really seems like it could be hazardous to your health. My little exposure with it makes me want to pull out a pocket knife to sharpen a stick. Some over-inflated egos deserve to be deflated.
Take a break. Walk in the woods. Watch a sunrise or sunset.

By Cal Harth (not verified) on 08 Apr 2008 #permalink

Jon Winsor,

*snuuuuuuuurk guffaw* I love that cartoon.


I finally had to sit down and decide how much time I was willing to spend online daily, which I equate (in terms of productivity) with watching TV.

Then I set a timer.