Talk at CFI-West, Los Angeles

i-b21a37aaf08507ad6907aad6ec0068f2-cfiwest.jpgThis coming Sunday morning, I'll be speaking in the "Feed Your Brain" lecture series at the Center for Inquiry-West, right here in Los Angeles (info here). The talk will be entitled, "The War on Science: What Have We Learned?" It's auspicious to me for two reasons:

1. This event is in my neighborhood, actually just about a mile from where I live, on Hollywood Boulevard in the Los Feliz area of LA.

2. I am actually spending five days a week lately in residence at the CFI-West, which has generously provided me with space to work on the next book, and asked me to lecture to boot. Cool, huh? As a freelance writer, you can get a bit out of touch with the outside world at times, so being able to come to the "office" every day has been great for me, and I owe the CFI-West folks big time for that opportunity.

Again, talk details here. Hope to meet some neighbors at the event....


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