Randy Olson's New Global Warming Film is Going to Sizzle

i-433bc63aafea90861d3264a2bb84a2b5-sizzle.pngWell, I'm anxiously awaiting the July 19 premiere of scientist-filmmaker Randy Olson's newest feature, entitled Sizzle: A Global Warming Comedy. The website is now up, and the trailer looks hilarious, as do the other various clips available (hint, click on the planets--when you get to the website you'll see what I mean).

Here's a description of the film:

The movie is a unique and original mixture of three genres: mockumentary, documentary, and reality. It is the story of a scientist-turned-filmmaker (Olson) forced to team up with two fabulous but flaky Hollywood producers (comic actors Brian Clark and Mitch Silpa), who give him a crew that includes a global warming skeptic (comic actor Alex Thomas). Olson valiantly leads his ragtag crew through a series of interviews with top climate scientists as well as a half dozen major global warming skeptics. In each interview, his cameraman interrupts the discussion to argue with the experts about his beliefs that global warming is little more than a scam.

And get this--good old Bill Gray, global warming skeptic extraordinaire and the "main character" of Storm World, is one of those top skeptics interviewed. I'm sure he steals the show.

And note: This is comedy, so please, no getting uppity about the fact that Olson interviews global warming skeptics....the fact is, these dudes can be pretty entertaining.

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I hear their climate models go up to 11.

By Jon Winsor (not verified) on 09 Jun 2008 #permalink