A Few Good Men

We've invited some excellent 'intersection personalities' to contribute here while we devote necessary time to completing our book. While we'll continue posting on politics, science, culture, and storms, our first guest is ready to make his debut tomorrow...

Introducing Philip H.
A coastal fisheries oceanographer, Philip left the boat bound life for ocean policy work in our nation's capitol. He is an LSU graduate, and thus nearly impossible to reach during college football season (though rumor has it he sometimes comes up for air when he runs out of snacks). Philip is also a newlywed, a proud father of two tweens, an avid model train builder, and a reader of just about any non-fiction he can get his hands on. He is currently working through The Federalist Papers, God's Politics, and The Dark Side. When's he's not doing all that, he blogs on a variety of subjects at DC Dispatches.

We hope readers will join us in welcoming Philip H. to The Intersection!


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I always enjoy reading your commentary on The Intersection, and look forward to reading your posts.