Where is Barack Obama's Global Warming Adaptation Plan?

i-9b82e19b980498d47efa0aab431505c5-minneapolis_bridge_collapse.jpgI just posted my weekly DeSmogBlog item: It's about the disconnect right now between the infrastructure and stimulus agenda on the one hand, and the global warming and energy agenda on the other. These all need to be synthesized, for the simple reason that you can't rebuild infrastructure unless you're adapting it to climate change.

At the same time, focusing on the impacts of climate change to the transportation sector, to infrastructure more generally, and to separate regions of the country, will help make the issue relevant to citizens. Or as Nick Sundt, communications director for climate change at the World Wildlife Fund, recently put it to me, when it comes to global warming "people are not going to support the dramatic reductions in emissions unless they clearly understand the impacts and believe that emissions must be reduced to avoid catastrophic impacts."

So it seems to me that a real opportunity to further unify the president's agenda is being missed, and I hope that will change.

You can read the full DeSmogBlog post here.

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