Overlooked in the evolution war

Everyone's had a good time taking shots at Ann Coulter's inability to think straight. Some valiant types, like PZ Myers, have even sacrified several hours of their lives to reading and picking apart her pathetic prose. Everything she says is wrong, particularly her efforts to explain why evolution is a myth.

All well and good. This kind of response is necessary. So are international efforts like that of the recent declaration by "67 national academies of science under the united banner of the Interacademy Panel on International Issues [who] blasted the scriptural teaching of biology as a potential distortion of young minds."

But while Coulter makes the rounds of the talk shows and big-city book-signing gigs, her allies in the hinterlands are spreading the same shameful propaganda through more humble media. It's clear they're all reading from the same gospel, likely a 12th-generation photocopy of a printout from the Discovery Institute website. What with America's rural electoral bias, I suggest we should be cultivating more champions of reason and sticking it to Coulter's non-metropolitan ilk.

In my corner of western North Carolina, for example, there's a recent export from from Alabama by the name of Mike Scruggs who has managed to insinuate himself with a local right-wing media machine that prints a series of allegedly local newspapers. In a recent edition of the weekly Hendersonville Tribune, half of which was actually an insert from the John Locke Foundation, Scruggs was given the better part of a full page, plus the main teaser on the front, to argue that Darwinism is "crumbling" in favor of "common sense." He writes:

Despite Darwinism's revered place in science and education, clear physical evidence of one species evolving into another is completely absent. The evidence of Darwinism is a speculative connecting of the dots of very distant shaky, and questionable points of evidence.

And so on and so forth. It evokes Coulter's simplistic dismissal of the entire field of evolutionary biology when she said "There's no physical evidence for it."

The really scary thing is Scrugg's column was just the first in a series that the Tribune promises "WILL ROCK YOUR SOCKS!" (The only hint that perhaps the Tribune's readers aren't quite as keen on creationism as Scruggs and his editors is the fact that they apparently didn't think his headshot and a big NASA stock photo of the Earth from space -- you know the one -- would be enough to move the issue out of their curbside boxes, so they added a picture of the current Miss Hendersonville, a blonde bombshell in the Coulter style.)

You can read similar disingenuous denunciations and falsehoods most weeks in the letters sections of the more respectable daily newspapers in these parts. What defense of science makes it into print appears weak and half-hearted.

Everywhere you look, that ridiculous claim appears again and again. It's global, and our enemies are not overlooking rural America. Neither should we.

The latest Angus Reid poll of American attitudes on creationism are no surprise: 82 per cent believe humans were either created in the current form by god, or some kind of evolutionary process was guided by god.

The poll didn't break down the results by metro and urban responses, but I think we all know what such an analysis would say.

The fact is, there aren't a lot of bookstores around in these bucolic parts, and average folk, if they read much at all, are more likely to find time a two its for Mike Scruggs' ravings than they are to buy Ann Coulters' books. And, I contend, it's places like Hendersonville, NC, where the real battle is being played out.

Is there any coordinated effort to get the word out beyond the major metropolitan areas?


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It is obvious that you have to be willing to give of yourself to advance the cause of science. That's why you need to begin dating Miss Hendersonville ASAP and get her to hold up a "Coulter Is Wrong" sign whenever she is photographed in the future. This might also have the long-term result of improving the gene pool, if you manage to advance the discussion with Miss Hendersonville in a meaningful direction.

Popular science does infiltrate the hinterland in the form of magazines. This month's issue of SciAm has a fascinating article about colour vision, and how evolution has shaped mammillian eye cells.

The supposed construction of the "perfect" eye (window to the soul, etcetc) was touted by creationists to be evidence of ID.

But why are bird's and lizard's and even fish's eyes better than ours?
Check it out: SciAm, July 2006, p.69

By Pierre Caron (not verified) on 22 Jun 2006 #permalink

I don't for a minute think that Ann Coulter actually believes all of the bile she spews. I think she has found a market and is pandering to it in the most vulgar way. Outrage is her schtick and shrillness is her vocabulary, but I'm sure she is laughing at all of the shmucks who think she is explaining the world to them.

Point well taken. Where I live in rural Washington State, the number of letters to the editor in favor of creationism or IDC is appalling, though it seems to come in cycles. There are only a couple of us that ever defend science.

I grew up in Hendersonville and just lately moved from Massachusetts back here to Asheville. I've seen that Tribune, and o, is it rubbish (their motto is "Defending the People's Right to Know," a hypocritical howler). Spent the other morning at work patiently debating a global-warming denier. Gotta tell you, it's easy for people to believe the worst gobbledygook and yet think themselves informed if they NEVER HEAR THE OPPOSING VIEW! When they flip back and forth from Coulter and Limbaugh to Fox News and the 700 Club they receive a seemingly consistent worldview which hangs together very nicely as long as they can tell themselves they're hearing 'both sides'. It doesn't occur to them that the 'other side' they've heard is really the straw-man version and not the real deal, and there's plenty of cognitive dissonance and fear of the other to keep them incurious. Ack! Do they not know that's how Kim Jong Il keeps his countrymen in line too?

I could rant till the cows come home; but so what? This fight, I figure, was lost ten years ago and more, when the masses ignored the menace from the extremists; now they're unstoppable. Very well, let them have their way! Let them turn the country into a backward 'sick man' in a world ruled by saner heads in Europe and Asia. And who then will they blame? The liberals! The pointy-headed scientists! Everybody but the Elmer Gantries and cornpone Lysenkos.

By Tom Buckner (not verified) on 26 Jun 2006 #permalink

Thanks for all the attention. As editor of the Tribune Newspapers I'll take this opportunity to invite readers of this forum to write and comment on any Tribune article you find fault with. Just e-mail them to me at my office, bfishburne@bellsouth.net. As for the comments I've seen thus far, I find lots of criticism and sneering but no real repudiation of Mike Scruggs' fact-based commentaries. That's amazing. Mike has written for us for more than a year now on the topics of the Civil War, Slavery and Darwinism, and no one has either found or bothered to point out any factual error with his work. Ad-hominem attacks don't count.

Bill Fishburne

By Bill Fishburne (not verified) on 10 Jul 2006 #permalink