Intelligent musical design

My first post after moving the Island to ScienceBlogs was a list of science-themed popular songs. Not too surprisingly, there really wasn't much from which to choose. But it now gives me great pleasure to introduce to you a new tune that belongs at the top of any such list. I give you Chris Smither's "Origin of the Species," a track from the folk singer-songwriter's new CD "Leave the Light On." I can't think of another song that takes on intelligent design and pays tribute to Charles Darwin. Plus, it's a great piece of music in its own right, quite worthy of heavy rotation on the airwaves.

"Leave the Light On" is so new (Sept. 19) that no one has gotten around to posting all the lyrics on the net yet. But I did find one transcription that I believe is pretty darn faithful -- at least as far as my memory, which is based on yesterday's afternoon's play on WNCW, can tell.

"Charlie Darwin looked so far into the way things are,
He caught a glimpse of God's unfolding plan.
God said, 'I'll make some DNA, and they can use it anyway they want
From paramecium right up to man.
They'll have sex and mix up sections
Of their code; they'll have mutations --
The whole thing works like clockwork over time.
I'll just sit back in the shade while everyone gets laid;
That's what I call intelligent design.'"

On his web site, Smither says the song was written a way of "making fun of dummies." More of Chris Smither, who's been cranking out great Americana for better than 36 years -- and taking the occasional shot at the lunacy that passes for politics -- in this NPR interview, from a few days ago.

[Photo from]

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First came across Chris Smither at a tribute concert to Phil Oaks in Columbus, Ohio in 1992. Have been enjoying his music and performances ever since. My all-time favorite song by him is "Origin of the Species" and just last night at dinner with friends I recited the verse "... Charlie Darwin looked so far ... intelligent design." What creativity, humor and theological specificity, all wrapped up in a single little song. Pure genius. Chris has largely been a hidden treasure. Hopefully, the internet will give him the exposure both he and the music loving public deserves.

By Jim Wrich (not verified) on 28 Sep 2008 #permalink