Doonesbury redeemed

After Garry Trudeau swallowed the apocryphal story about Grand Canyon park rangers' inability to tell the truth about the age of their charge, one would do well to be skeptical about any future strips based on alleged true stories. Fortunately, yesterday's color Doonesbury is on safer ground. It will rank among my favorite, for obvious reasons.

There actually is some controversy over plans for the George W. Bush presidential library, which could cost $500 million, according to a New York Daily News story. Whether it actually costs that much (the most in history, but only about three times the next-most-expensive) is not what makes the Doonesbury strip funny though, and Trudeau wisely treats the figure as a "reported" item. Guess he's learned his lesson, as I have.

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500 million for one book of fart jokes?

By Ick of the East (not verified) on 29 Jan 2007 #permalink