Photo of the Day #45: Saltwater Crocodile


This is the impressive skull of a Saltwater Crocodile (Crocodylus porosus), the largest living crocodylian. What I find so interesting about the skulls of these animals is that the flesh is so closely attached to the underlying bone, the skulls of crocodylians requiring little imagination to discern what the animal would have looked like in life. While such a fearsome animal may cause us to keep track of how many deaths it is responsible for (the Saltwater Crocodile being the most dangerous to humans), the total number of deaths these animals are responsible for absolutely pales in comparison to lives lost due to car crashes, disease, or accidents around the home. Still, it is difficult to imagine a situation more terrifying than unexpectedly encountering one of these animals on its own turf, especially since, to paraphrase the "Barefoot Bushman" Rob Bredl, you'll probably never see the croc that gets you.

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Awesome pic!

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Great looking skull, but you really get the feel just how big the crocodile (Crocodylus porosus) is when you see a great taxidermy job, we have finished a 16.4ft crocodile here in Darwin Australia. and these are the sorts of display's that should be at the museums. So the public can see what the whole crocodile not just the bones.