Run away!

Here's a gift idea for any Monty Python fans you might know (and another here). Now if only there were a Night of the Lepus life-sized plush...

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Ah, Night of the Lepus. That movie has the distinction of being the very first movie I saw where I had the critical distance to think, "This movie is ludicrously bad and awful." I think I was about 8 years old. Prior to that, I had always viewed movies uncritically, as children do. So, Night of the Lepus is indirectly responsible for all my subsequent critical thinking skills and skepticism.

A couple of years ago, I found an .mp3 of the original radio ad for NOTL. Unlike the movie, the ad is really scary and effective -- every time I hear it, I think, "Hey, this sounds like a good movie. Oh, wait. Lepus." No wonder I was so anxious to see it as a child.

In my family it is tradition to watch Monty Python and the Holy Grail on Christmas Day. . . it's the one movie we know we'll always agree on!