Meet my Daemon

It makes sense I think; anyone who's been following this blog for a while knows my affinity for big cats. If you want to see what your Daemon would look like, visit The Golden Compass website.

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This weekend, with 70 degrees F in Chapel Hill, it would have bin a sin to remain indoors. So I didn't. But in the end, at twilight today, my daughter and I went to see Golden Compass, the movie whose first-weekend box-office earnings I wanted to boost. I made sure not to read any reviews of the…
I went to go see the movie the Golden Compass last night with a few friends, and was phenomenally impressed by it at every level. As someone who has not read the books (The Golden Compass was based on the book 'Northern Lights', renamed 'The Golden Compass' in America) I don't have a basis to…
Everyone is talking about The Golden Compass -- a movie that I had no idea was being made or released or even premiered this past weekend -- a movie that is based on a series of books that I've never read and have only vaguely heard about. But my readers have fixed that literary oversight for me…
It's already got the fundamentalists up in arms. Apparently, one of them managed to read something outside the accepted cannon of Christ-like books and now they're all bothered about the December 7th release (see trailer) of the first installment of Phillip Pullman's His Dark Materials trilogy -…

My daemon is a creature that I have great respect (and fear) for: A big honkin' spider. I'm guessing my introversion pushed the final tally toward archachnid.

I was hoping to get the spider! Or at least something arthropody... As it was, though, I'm apparently a hare. As far as I can tell, it was supposed to be because I'm interested in finding out about the world around me, but as soon as I get faced with large groups of people I feel an uncontrollable urge to bolt and dive for cover.

I got the spider last time I tried it, this time I got an osprey. I wonder if using my full first name made a difference...

Sorry, Ridger; I didn't put up the option to "vote" since I'd like to hold on to my tiger. Maybe I'll do it over again and see what you all really think of me, though... heh.