Last Call for Open Lab

When I started blogging about science a little less than a year ago I had two main goals; to make it to and to have a post published in the 2007 edition of The Open Laboratory. It's obvious that I've achieved one, but I'd love to get into the Open Lab, too, and if you haven't already I would encourage you to submit the post that you liked best that I wrote this year for consideration (although I thank those of you who have already done so). I've thrown in one or two myself, but it is very difficult for me to choose so I'll take whatever suggestions you all care to offer through the submission form. This isn't just about this blog though; if there's something really great that someone wrote this year please submit it before the deadline on Dec. 20th so it has a chance of getting in. It doesn't matter whether the blog has thousands or readers or just a handful; the anthology is about good science writing and I'm sure there are still some excellent entries that haven't been represented. Before you submit anything, though, check out the list to see what's already been nominated (and you can just peruse the 450+ entry list if you like). In any case, I am continually in the debt of everyone who comes to read this blog, and even if I don't make it into Open Lab I couldn't be happier with how far I've come since last winter.

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tags: Open Lab 2007, blog books You might remember that one of my essays from 2006 was included in the book, Open Lab 2006. I was lucky because the editor of the book submitted my essay for me, and the judges seemed to like it enough to include it in the final book. Yea, me. Well, this year, I am…
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Yes! It is finally here! What you have all been waiting for, impatiently, for three weeks! The Science Blogging Anthology is now for sale. Go to by clicking here (or click on the picture of the book to your right) and place your order! You can choose to buy a PDF to download (but do…

Its been great reading and thanks for writing!