LaTeX fan? You can now use your favourite software to submit manuscripts to PLoS ONE

Yesss!!! I know lots of people, especially in math, physics, engineering and computational biology have been yearning for this for a while. And, starting today, you can submit manuscripts to PLoS ONE in LaTeX. Read the formatting instructions carefully, then submit.

The first article submitted in LaTeX was the High-Resolution Map of Science one last week, featured today in New York Times.


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Everybody --- I mean everybody, whether they write math or not --- would be well-served by writing papers in LaTeX.

By ecologist (not verified) on 16 Mar 2009 #permalink

Everybody --- I mean everybody, whether they write mah or not --- would be well-served by writing papers in LaTeX.

No argument there -- but alas, in this case it all gets munged into one of the Microsoft formats anyway. What's worse, graphics get shoehorned into bitmaps instead of being vector forms (another side-effect of the MSWord shoehorn.)

Ah, well. Maybe someday.

By D. C. Sessions (not verified) on 16 Mar 2009 #permalink

Ecologist: word ;)

Latex is so incredibly useful especially when resubmitting. And don't get me started on sweave - no more typos in tables, all quant results straight from the data, and FREE

This is fantastic news. LaTeX is my favorite method of writing papers, and I always felt like journals would be well-served by accepting manuscripts in this format. It should make things easier for them, since all they have to do (for the most part) is apply the appropriate style file and perhaps extract/convert it for HTML display.

all they have to do ... is apply the appropriate style file and perhaps extract/convert it for HTML display.

Oh Jason, if only it really were that simple.