Hooray for Armored Worms!

Wouldn't you know it? I'm in the middle of writing a nice summary on spinosaurid bite mechanics and all hell breaks loose in the journals. Besides the nonsense about Psittacosaurus, there's a new paper just out in Nature featuring a new cuddly little creature called Plumulites bengtsoni, that is if you think ancient armored worms from the Lower Ordovician are cuddly. I don't have the time to blog about it right now, but here's a look at the Plumulites;


Plumulites bengtsoni. From Vinther, J.; Van Roy, P.; Briggs, D. (2008) "Machaeridians are Palaeozoic armoured annelids." Nature, Vol 451, pp. 185-188 doi:10.1038/nature06474

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