Burpee's 10th Annual PaleoFest

If you're going to be in the Rockford, Illinois area (or within a reasonable distance of it) on March 1st and 2nd, the Burpee Museum is going to be host to a paleo-festival that you won't want to miss out on. Over the course of two days there will be activities and events for both children and adults, and I have to say that the lecture program they have set up looks pretty awesome. Here's who will be speaking at the festival;

Philip Currie- Chinese Theropods and Mapusaurus

Jack Horner- Dinosaur Ontogenies

Eva Koppelhus - Paleoenvironment of Dinosaur Provincial

Jim Kirkland- Cretaceous Utah

John Foster- Mygatt-Moore Bonebed

Jean-Bernard Caron - Burgess Shale Revisited

Matt Bonnan - Evolution of the Sauropods

Robert Reisz- Permian Tetrapods from Oklahoma

Chris Bennett- Evolution of the Pterosaur Wing and Gigantism

Josh Mathews- Taphonomy of a Triceratops "Bonebed"

Scott Williams - Review of 2007 Burpee Expeditions

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Illinois is a pretty big place...You should mention ROCKFORD, IL in your initial lines. You might even be able to appeal to some Wisconson Cheeseheads that way, seeing as they suddenly have an opening in this weekends schedule....

Thanks, J. Sometimes I forget that most states are larger than New Jersey (i.e. you can drive for more than 3 hours and still be in the same state).

Are you planning on attending? My fiancé (John Foster) is speaking on Sunday, so I know we will probably be around all weekend. Let me know if your going to make it, its always nice to say hello to fellow paleo bloggers :)

I wish I could make it! Unfortunately I don't have the money to get out there, so sadly I'll have to miss out. If you can, though, please blog about the event after it's over. I'd love to hear about what went on there (and I'm sure many others would, too).