The Boneyard XXI

The 21st edition of the Boneyard snuck up on me (I was planning on putting up some polynomial-eating theropods that I sketched during the breaks in my math class), but Glendon was on the ball and has put together an awesome list of recent posts. Definitely give it a look.

The carnival is now recruiting for a host for June 21st, as well; if you are interested let me know. Also, I feel bad that I have not kept up a home site for the carnival as I should have. Rather than setting it up on another blogging service I've decided to add an info page about the Boneyard on this blog (it will be with the "about," contact," etc. tabs above) so that I have no excuse to be lazy. It will be up soon and will contain a listing of previous carnival editions as well as submission information.

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