A little help with Cope

In working on one of my projects I've run into a little snag; I need to get my hands on three papers by E.D. Cope and Rutgers does no have access to them. They are all in the Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences, although the only reference to them I've found is from an old paper by H.F. Osborn in which he reproduced only a single page number from a multiple-page article. The references are;

A helpful reader was kind enough to send these to me. Thank you!

1866 Cope, Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, p. 317

1867 Cope, Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, p. 234, 235

1869 Cope, Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, p. 123

The JSTOR page for the Proceedings is here and I'd be much obliged to anyone with access who would be kind enough to get the full articles and send them to me (evogeek AT gmail DOT com).

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