Photo of the Day #366: Western gorillas


Western gorillas (Gorilla gorilla), photographed at the Bronx zoo.

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Um, just curious: why does their hair look red? Is that normal for Western gorillas, or is it something else?

By wolfwalker (not verified) on 10 Oct 2008 #permalink

Some of these gorillas were lighter colored; their hair was more brown than black.

The rest of the problem is that I took the photos in NEF format, which means that when I convert it to a jpg I need to fiddle with the colors a bit, so it's a little over-saturated. I should be getting a better program to manage such photos later this month, although in the future I might just take jpgs to save myself the trouble of having to modify them later.

They look like gingerillas!

By Stevo Darkly (not verified) on 10 Oct 2008 #permalink

I have seen film of wild gorillas on the BBC - they followed a group of Western Lowland Gorillas through their day. At least one of the females was distinctly ginger on the back - I guess gorillas have a certain amount of variation in hair colour as well as humans.