Vote Amanda!

When I was a finalist in the annual blogging scholarship contest a few months back Amanda was one of the many people who supported me. (Thank you, again, to everyone who voted for me.) Now it is my turn to give something back.

Amanda is one of the brightest, not to mention kindest, people I know and I would hate to see her struggle to fund her college education. You can help her pay her college fees, though, by voting for her in the "My Favorite Toy" contest being held by Brickfish. She has fittingly chosen a "Brontosaurus" as her most beloved toy.

You can vote every two hours. Please give Amanda a hand and bring her a step closer to becoming a paleontologist!

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I was wondering why I suddenly went from 5th to 3rd! Thank you very very much, Brian!

I'm always so touched by how supportive all of you are :)

Amanda is one of the brightest, not to mention kindest, people I know...

Raymond Shaw is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I've ever known in my life.

By Even Stephan (not verified) on 23 Jan 2009 #permalink

I actually sent PZ a message asking him to post a link on Pharyngula, but I have a feeling he has bigger, more important things to tend to :)

Oh well...

At least I tried!

How much longer is there left in the contest, Amanda? I'll put up another plug if there's still time!