I rarely ever go to a place like Barnes and Noble to buy books, but a few months ago I had a gift card that burning a hole in my pocket. The question was what to buy. As always I browsed through the science section and didn't see much of interest. Most of the titles available were about subjects I was already familiar with or didn't strike my fancy.

I was just about to head home when I spotted Mary Roach's book SPOOK. It wasn't typical reading fare for me, but I remembered hearing good things about it. When I got home I started in on it and could not put it down. I even read the whole thing aloud to my wife. As soon as I finished it I ran out to get STIFF and did the same.

STIFF was as good as SPOOK, and when I finished it I was glad to hear that Mary had just recently put out a new book about science and sex called BONK. I loved it, and if you want to know more you should check out Sci's review. Hardcover books can be expensive, though, so that's why I am happy to say that BONK has just been released in paperback! It is one of best science books I have read this year, and I highly recommend you pick it up (in addition to SPOOK and STIFF).

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Mary Roach, author of Stiff and Spook, has a new book debuting this month: Bonk: The Curious Coupling of Science and Sex. To promote her new book, Roach is making the interview rounds. Check out her interview with Katharine Mieszkowski for Salon: Getting it on for science. An excerpt pertaining…
Review by Scicurious, from Neurotopia Originally posted on: January 19, 2009 1:27 AM It is rare that a non-fiction book, let alone a non-fiction book about science, makes me laugh so hard I have to put the book down until I can get off the floor. In fact, I would say it's only happened once. That…
A few years ago, I read Mary Roach's first book, Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers and absolutely loved it! One of the best popular science books I have read in a long time - informative, eye-opening, thought-provoking and funny. Somehow I missed finding time to read her second (Spook:…
I loved Mary Roach's 'Stiff' when it first came out, so I was excited to see that Sheril started a book club reading the third book, Bonk, by the same author. My copy just arrived, so I will be participating as much as I can find the time. Some of my SciBlings have already read and reviewed the…

Oh, I just got Bonk myself (loved Stiff before!) as Sheril is leading the book club about it,.

I was wondering how SPOOK and BONK were, mostly BONK. I bought STIFF a long while back and loved it. I've had SPOOK on my bookshelf for at least a year (long list of books to read). Thanks!

Oh, yes: I should add that (a) I haven't read the book myself and (b) some less-than-safe-for-work content is accessible from the aforelinked page.

Blake Stacy: That's actually a rather good review. I don't remember if Roach was very embarrassed or grossed out when writing STIFF. Possibly in one experience in which she walks in a field of dead bodies at different states of decomposition.

Blake; I guess it is just a matter of taste. Unlike the reviewer you linked to I was not irritated by Roach's sense of humor in BONK and I thought her approach was fitting for the topic. If I were writing the same book I would probably throw in some juvenile humor or be a little embarrassed by the topic, too, and it seemed that the reviewer had very strong ideas about how sex should be written about. It mostly comes down to style and sense of humor.

Yes, an awful lot of judgement comes down to personal taste. And, like I said, I haven't read the book myself — too many reviews are already in the pending tray, yikes — so I won't essay to judge whether or how often the author's style led to oversimplification or a distorted presentation.

Now, let's see if I can make that stack of pending reviews any shorter. . . .