Experimental Biology 2017

The 2017 Experimental Biology conference is almost here!

Here are some of this year's highlights:

Dr. Michael Welsh from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and University of Iowa will be presenting the Walter B. Cannon Award Lecture. He will be speaking about Cystic Fibrosis.

This year's Nobel lecture in Physiology or Medicine will be given by Laureate Dr. Louis J Ignarro who, along with Drs. Robert Furchgott and Ferid Murad, won the prize in 1998 for discovering how nitric oxide works in the cardiovascular system.

I am also looking forward to the many comparative physiology sessions at this year's meeting, which include sessions on how stress impacts the cardiovascular system and how hypoxia affects development and health. I am especially looking forward to this year's August Krogh lecture that will be given by Dr. Warren Burggren from the University of North Texas who will speak about developmental plasticity, epigenetics and evolution.

This should be a great year for comparative physiology! I'll keep you posted!

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