#2: A Truly Extraordinary Octopus

Who could forget the second most popular blog post so far this year. Seeing an octopus walk never gets old!
I came across this amazing video on YouTube showing a species of octopus found in Northern Australia that is adapted to walk on land:

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I came across this amazing video on YouTube showing a species of octopus found in Northern Australia that is adapted to walk on land:
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This video is one of the most amazing things I've ever seen on YouTube. It shows the oh-so-careful surgical removal of an egg-sized cyst (intact) from a person's brain. The cyst is a hydatid cyst, which is the result of a parasitic infection by tapeworm larvae(Echinococcus). Generally speaking, it…
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Fish @ 2:05: "What the Fuuuu?" lol, Awesome video