Intelligent Redesign

The good folks at Corante are rejiggering the design of their blogs, The Loom included. Some stuff has yet to make the transition as of this writing, but before too long it will all be back in place.


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"are rejiggering the design of their blogs"
Ahem. You probably mean rejigging, since, at least here in Oz, 'jiggering' is not something you'd encourage people doing to your blog :)

I noticed both here and Derek Lowe's blog are cut off at the right side of the page except when I expand the window to full screen. The little box that allows text sizing is cut off at the third A with the slider full right. I'm using Firfox 1.0 under Win XP SVP 2

Hi Gary - Hylton here at Corante central. Thanks for the heads up - we're working on sorting out what's wrong and correcting. H